Inspired by the character created by Sarah, the Duchess of York, "Budgie the Little Helicopter" is a beloved children's series that aired for 39 episodes starting in 1994. The show draws from the Duch...
7.30 6.50 109Set in the Vienna of the future, a time where the evil Emperor Thaddeus Vent has banned all music from the home of Johann Strauss, and any instruments found are to be removed from the city forthwith. ...
8.00 8.10 14A crass, womanizing duck works as a private eye with his level-headed pig sidekick, all-the-while raising a family as a single dad....
6.20 7.50 120In this action-packed story, martial artist Ryo Sakazaki and his best friend Robert Garcia find themselves entangled in a dangerous situation after a home invasion, involving a house cat, an ancient a...
6.30 7.70 98Fred and Wilma try to teach a wayward boy about values. ...
6.04 265Alice Sakaguchi, a high school student, her seven-year-old next-door neighbor Rin Kobayashi, an elementary school student, and five other adolescent students are the main characters of the novel. They...
6.90 7.11 461War breaks out as a result of years of political hostility and distrust between the competing nations of Zafran and Revillia. The answer for each nation was to seize control of Decimators, the same co...
7.00 6.69 601When Mamoru was a child, he gave a rose to a boy named Fiore, who promised to bring him many flowers one day. Now, Fiore has returned to Earth, but his intentions go beyond simply keeping that promise...
7.56 7.72 234A humorous adventure from the creators of Gatchaman and Speed Racer! Who is capable of being the worst of the worst? Teams of bad guys compete to be the cruelest villains ever as it's evil vs. evil...
6.80 6.04 435The film begins with a group of young bluebirds teasing their youngest sibling, Buster (voiced by Blaze Berdahl). After leaving his family, Buster encounters an intelligent orange T. rex named Rex (vo...
8.00 7.40 110The supernatural powers and creatures that exist in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's universe are a reflection of the actual world. Some people in this situation have the ability to channel their inner spir...
7.80 7.40 516The adventures of a young tugboat and his friends in the Big Harbour, with the Dispatcher and the Harbourmaster overseeing everything closely. ...
7.80 6.80 107