Usagi Tsukino, a second-year middle school student who may be awkward and emotional, is a bundle of energy. When she encounters Luna, a black cat with a crescent moon on her forehead, she changes into...
7.80 7.08 679One year after the SAO incident, Seijiro Kikuoka of the "VR Division" of the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications approaches Kirito with an odd request. An investigation was conduc...
6.90 6.70 565Tokyo is under attack from a hideous threat: flesh-eating "ghouls" who look like people and mix in with the local populace. Ken Kaneki, a reserved college student, hides his head in his books and stay...
7.80 7.79 451Ken Kaneki is a bookworm college student who meets a girl names Rize at a cafe he frequents. They're the same age and have the same interests, so they quickly become close. Little does Kaneki know tha...
7.80 6.20 104Nanako Usami, a typical high school student in the town of Nagarekawa (Nagarekawa-shi, "Flowing River City"), accepts her uncle's invitation to join the idol group known as the Nagarekawa Girls (Nagar...
8.10 6.88 536In the alternate reality where Train Wars! is set, Japan's government still maintains authority of the country's rail infrastructure. The government's leadership has provided stability, which has allo...
5.70 6.39 523The Countries Unification of Ingelmia and the Kingdom of Arandas alliance have been at war for a very long time. The Great Wall has remained securely closed, but when it begins to crack open, the war'...
6.20 6.46 385Every day, Elite Sushi Ninja battles evil Monsters for justice! However, they appear in the well-liked superhero TV program. Three slothful children with the names "IKURA," "MAGURO," and "TAMAGO" watc...
5.03 418In a little beach town called Hinodehama ("Sunrise Beach"), Tko Fukami's family operates a glass-working shop. She spends time in a cafe named Kazemichi (, "Wind Way") with her four closest pals. In t...
5.10 5.42 470Ryouma Sakamoto wants people to know how much he loves rock 'n' roll, so he goes about town playing his electric guitar and demonstrating to anyone he meets that he is just as talented as the well-kno...
5.90 6.03 515Suffering from frequent asthma attacks, young Anna Sasaki is quiet, unsociable, and isolated from her peers, causing her foster parent endless worry. Upon recommendation by the doctor, Anna is sent to...
6.43 6.77 274