"Witch Craft Works" is an anime series based on the manga of the same name by Ryū Mizunagi. It takes place in a world where magic and witches exist, and follows the story of a high school student nam...
6.73 383Achmed unexpectedly finds himself in Americaville, USA. There, he is mistaken as a French exchange student while he bumblingly plots to destroy the town and all its "infidels." But when exposed to the...
4.04 262All of the WWE Superstars are fired and sent to Slam City to find day jobs. Plunged into new career challenges, they pack every street corner with work to do and scores to settle....
6.70 7.90 113The animated short accompanying "Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Movie: Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai" features an original story that explores themes of love and personal growth. The narrative unfolds in a charming, ...
7.56 7.76 342From the far-off planet of Metrotopia, Velonica has traveled the entire cosmos and arrived on Earth. Her task is straightforward: to meet with the ruler of Earth and seal a deal that will enable them ...
5.95 512The world has returned to calm some days after Link Joker's fatal conflict, which engulfed the entire planet. Toshiki Kai, however, is in an unexpected circumstance. The hero Aichi Sendou, who defende...
5.80 6.73 540The war rages on, and the Shinsengumi faces attrition as members leave or succumb to the Water of Life. Chizuru Yukimura remains steadfast by Vice Commander Hijikata, who grapples with his altered for...
6.07 296The second installment of the two Hakuouki films continues the story, exploring the characters' struggles and developments as they navigate the challenges of their tumultuous world. The narrative deep...
7.46 7.69 214"Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita," often abbreviated as "Yuushibu," is a comedy and fantasy anime series based on the light novel by Jun Sakyou. The story takes ...
6.40 6.79 388Amane Todoroki is a young lady who is uncomplicated but also thoughtless. She will give everything her all and declare, "If you ask me if this is possible, I'm not sure how to respond. Simply put, I t...
6.33 460Young Zoe lives in the picturesque Grand Mountain National Park, accompanied by her loyal dog, Lassie. With an extraordinary ability to sense human emotions without needing to be told, Lassie proves t...
6.50 6.50 113