*In the aftermath of the most devastating conflict mankind had ever experienced, the tiny island of Shikotan became part of the Sakhalin Oblast, and the unhealed border in this remote corner of the wo...
7.34 7.66 213SwaySway (Robbie Daymond) and Buhdeuce (Eric Bauza), two anthropomorphic, flightless green ducks who are best friends, fly around the water-based planet Pondgea in a rocket-powered van distributing fo...
2.60 311The film centers on a mystery unfolding during the "Justice Day" festival, an event dedicated to celebrating Sternbild's legendary goddess. As the festivities take place, unexpected events and clues e...
7.45 7.70 278Zack & Quack follows the adventures of a dynamic and adventurous boy named Zack and his best friend, an impulsive young duck called Quack....
7.40 6.40 126WISHENPOOF! centers on a young girl named Bianca who uses her "wish magic" to make dreams come true for herself and those around her. With a wave of her wand, her room becomes an underwater playground...
7.60 7.60 95The literacy series takes place in a colorful world resembling that of inside a fairytale, in which the central characters reside. The show revolves around young troll Wally Trollman, who uses his mag...
7.50 6.20 91A shy giraffe named Noop and his hedgehog buddy, Harry, wander their far-off star world together in a shadow painting anime. ...
452A bunch of aliens with plans to conquer Earth invade Tokyo one day. Momoko, who desires to become an idol, participates in the subsequent altercation in an unexpected way. King of the alien empire War...
4.90 3.47 474With the aid of a force of formidable creatures known as Saiarks and Choiarks, Queen Mirage, the malevolent ruler of the Phantom Empire, launches her invasion of Earth. Pretty Cures are sent out throu...
7.60 6.81 465"Little Busters!: EX" is an eight-episode Original Video Animation (OVA) series that acts as a spin-off to the main "Little Busters!" series. The OVAs introduce and elaborate on the storylines of thre...
7.40 7.71 433The idols of 765 Production are determined to achieve their dreams. They have faced many challenges but remain committed to their goals. Now, they are focusing on strengthening their bonds and working...
7.51 7.61 270