The fourth installment is set amidst the backdrop of postwar reconstruction in New Port City during the winter of 2028. Tensions are escalating as demonstrations erupt, fueled by concerns about foreig...

7.12 7.43 264

In this series, Calimero relocates to a new town—called Belladagio in Italian and Hatchington in English—and embarks on new adventures with his friends Priscilla, Pierrot, and Valeriano while also...

7.40 426

At their class reunion, Shouta, a 25-year-old NEET, is made fun of by his former female classmates who have all achieved success. He is transported back in time to deal with those same classmates when...

3.80 5.88 504

On a foggy morning, Keisuke Takahashi spots a black and white Toyota AE86 racing past his Mazda RX7 on Mount Akina, leading him to believe he has encountered the ghost of a deceased racer. Determined ...

7.65 7.79 221

Pickle the adrenaline-junkie bunny, Merl the safety-conscious squirrel, and Gull the naive but loving seagull find themselves in ridiculously dangerous--and always hilarious!--situations whenever they...

7.50 6.90 105

In this series, Dora goes to school and she lives in Playa Verde, which is a city. Together with the explorer girls and Pablo, Dora and friends work together and go on amazing adventures while discove...

7.00 6.30 128

Suga Kimio is forced to hide in the girls' locker room as his school's female students swarm in, and he is unable to move or get out of the predicament. He had no ulterior goals at first, but as he he...

6.30 6.30 492

Kanbaru Suruga, the keeper of the Monkey's Paw, is one of the few recognized faces left at Naoetsu Private High School now that Koyomi Araragi and Hitagi Senjougahara have graduated. She immediately a...

7.60 7.94 438

The majority of the series takes place in Hollywoo (the name is altered after the D is stolen off the sign), which is located in an alternate universe where humans and anthropomorphic animals coexist....

8.80 314

This prequel to the TV anime series explores the "origin of the dream." It delves into the backstory and events leading up to the main narrative, revealing how key characters and elements came to be. ...

7.11 7.57 208

Two martial artists are brutally killed by a team of assassins, leaving their wards, a young boy and girl, defenseless. A martial arts master dispatches of the assassins, sparing their lives, and deci...

6.36 536

Bonus included in a Blu-ray/DVD disc of μ's live concert that took place in Saitama Super Arena on February 8th and 9th, 2014. ...

6.71 592