Kai Nagisa, a typical high school student who aspires to one day compete in professional wrestling, is abruptly contacted by an Iczel robot. She is urged by Iczel to assist in defending Earth from Gea...

7.00 5.67 536

Cells at Work! takes place in a largely healthy human body, in contrast to the main series. The world of Code Dark is a "black" one where people lead unhealthy lives. The plot centers on the anthropom...

7.50 7.53 537

Rahzel, a little girl, is abruptly dispatched to travel the world by her eccentric, adoring father. Until she meets Alzeid, a charming and enigmatic loner on a quest to revenge the death of his father...

6.60 7.12 544

Eight of the ten potential idols from The Idolmaster are also disguised as students in Idolmaster: Xenoglossia, which reimagines them as fighter pilots of mecha. Immortal Defender of Legatee (IDOL) is...

4.80 6.48 516

Joey, an orphaned American child, attends school while working at a restaurant in Center City on the West Coast. He lives with his grandmother. Joey is convinced that owning a Heybo, a brand-new toy r...

7.10 6.81 443

The anime takes place on the screw-shaped island country of Nejigajima and follows the two "Bokyabots" Hebot and the Yurui Prince Nejiru as they collect different "Bokya Neji" screws. When the Bokyabo...

5.92 439

Gaou, a young kid who lost both an arm and an eye as a child, was bullied and treated differently from an early age since he could not integrate with his friends. Gaou eventually turned to a life of t...

7.50 7.09 549

Inazuma Eleven, the soccer squad of Raimon Middle School, battles to stay together after being on the edge of disbanding as other schools in Japan compete for the title of having the finest soccer tea...

8.00 7.66 557

Jecy is a young guy seeking retribution after his parents were murdered by the Bismark House, an organized crime group out to get a commodity called "lyzorium" at whatever cost. Jecy, a girl named Tia...

6.02 571

Inazuma Japan is declared as the winner of the Youth Soccer World Championship, Football Frontier International Vision 2 (FFIV2). However, players who had never been seen before were chosen to represe...

6.80 6.63 592

Emi, a girl of seventeen, resides in Shibuya, Tokyo. She's become apathetic because her father is constantly traveling for work. Everything abruptly changes as a result of a chance event involving a s...

7.20 6.41 517

The virtual reality MMORPG Infinite Dendrogram, which can precisely imitate players' five senses, is introduced in the year 2043. Reiji Mukudori reaches the world of Infinite Dendrogram almost two yea...

6.00 6.18 548