The protagonist of the tale is Tetsuya Tsurugi, an orphan who was fostered by Kenzo Kabuto, the Mazinger Z pilot Kouji Kabuto's father who was formerly believed to have passed away. The updated versio...

7.50 7.04 519

The science fiction setting of Green Legend depicts a post-apocalyptic Earth that has largely transformed into a vast desert following an alien invasion in which six "Rodo" (a race that resembles gian...

6.80 6.59 466

The GUNPLA Battle U.S. Championship approaches its final round after fierce combat. Here, a specific fighter's figure can be seen. A few months later, Misa Satsukino appears to be in a worse mood than...

6.76 452

A series of short films packaged with certain model kits and aired at conventions, the Gundam Evolve series chronicles a number of side-stories, alternative scenes, and even bonus omake from all aroun...

6.00 6.52 502

The Universal Century, a period of time characterized by space colonization and space conflict, is now history. The Regild Century, a new age of world peace brought about by human affluence, has begun...

5.10 5.81 499

Hello Kitty receives a message from Haro on her television while setting up for a tea party asking her to save Amuro. The next scene on Kitty's television depicts Amuro's conflicts from Mobile Suit Gu...

4.90 6.51 467

Five years ago, Naoki Kazumi's parents perished in an accident, and his memory also perished. He currently resides with his cousin Matsuri Shibugaki and her parents because he has nowhere else to go. ...

5.20 6.12 529

The utopian city of Zalem dominates the horizon as it soars high in the sky. It has a foul underbelly known as The Scrapyard beneath it, where the city stores all of its trash. Humans and cyborgs are ...

7.20 7.07 397

The 108th Guard Squad, based in Aomori, is the center of attention and the plot centers around them. It is frequently characterized as a "reject camp" for pilots who don't pass muster for the elite fo...

6.80 5.84 478

Adeu is a young man whose life is guided by the "Ethos of Chivalry," as told by Ry Knight (a code of conduct similar to the Knightly Virtues). He is searching for the Earth's Blade, a massive weapon t...

6.21 512

The story of Happy Lesson revolves around five teachers who find themselves sharing a home with a disturbed and uncaring orphan and their unusual plan to take on the role of mother figures to help him...

6.40 6.79 411

Japan in 2019, right before a new era begins. An alternate universe called "Shinkoku Nippon" with the sky and the earth upside down is suddenly revealed as a fissure to another realm suddenly appears ...

5.90 6.31 533