Goa, an alien invasion, plans to rule the Earth. He initially alerts the Murakami family—father Atsushi, mother Tomoko, and son Mamoru—about their impending invasion. He then shows off his abiliti...

7.50 5.75 511

"Magne Robo Gakeen" (also known as "Magnetic Robot Ga-Keen" or simply "Gakeen") is a classic mecha anime series that aired in Japan from 1976 to 1977. The series is part of the super robot genre and w...

7.10 6.15 486

The story of Creamy Mami centers on a young girl named Yuu who, after seeing a spaceship, is granted magical abilities for a year. Two cats, Poji and Nega, are also given to her to protect and mentor ...

7.30 7.23 481

The story's seasons have shifted, and the second spring will soon arrive. After completing their first year at First Magic High School, Tatsuya and Miyuki are now on spring break. The two travel to th...

7.10 7.43 549

After the events of "Scorched Halloween," a terrifyingly potent Strategic class magician is revealed to the world. The elite magician unit "Stars" and its commander, Angie Sirius, are sent on a covert...

7.10 7.29 531

It has been a century since "real magic," which was once regarded as only folklore and tradition, had developed into a widespread form of technology. One of Japan's nine magic academies, First Nationa...

5.60 6.62 577

This is My-prequel, Otome's which takes place before the events of the My-Otome Series. Lena Sayers, the mother of Arika Yumemiya and the former owner of the Lofty Crimson Jade/Blue Sky Sapphire GEM, ...

7.10 7.35 503

Anime adaption of the online card game Majin Bone. The universe's creator, Majin, has been revived in the present. Shougo Ryuujin, a common high school student who uses the Bone Card to turn into t...

7.20 6.62 520

A friendship develops between Hermes, a talking motorcycle, and Kino, a 15-year-old tourist. Together, despite not knowing what to anticipate, they travel across the globe and explore a variety of nat...

8.40 8.29 550

Haruka Hoshinogawa once received a cherry blossom ribbon from her grandfather and together they made a wish on the town's ancient cherry blossom tree. She cherished the gift she received when she ente...

6.57 511

2035 A.D. All around the world, the heads of ancient colossal idols have been discovered. With the help of the twelve stone sculptures, humanity had just about escaped the "Equatorial Winter" threat o...

7.20 6.81 500

Humans are living a prosperous existence in the year 2031 until unusual life forms known as Hardians come. They attack the human population and suddenly start to proliferate. As a defense mechanism, h...

6.50 6.54 509