"Future GPX Cyber Formula Zero" is the third OVA sequel to the "Future GPX Cyber Formula" anime television series. This series, which aired from 1994 to 1995, continues the saga of the advanced AI-con...

7.40 7.42 533

After Kamen Rider W Returns: Kamen Rider Accel, two years after the conclusion of the main TV series, Shotaro Hidari, a private eye employed by Narumi Detective Agency, and his partner Raito "Philip" ...

8.20 7.64 791

Beginning in the year 2300, Space Runaway Ideon is set far enough in the future for humans to have started colonization other planets. Three enormous armored tanks with the power to combine into a god...

6.90 7.03 713

"Detective Conan," also known as "Case Closed," is a popular Japanese manga and anime series that has spawned a multitude of spin-offs, including movies, TV specials, and Original Video Animations (OV...

8.50 7.02 550

"Di Gi Charat" is a quirky, comedic Japanese anime series that originated as a promotional mascot for the retail chain Gamers, which sells video games, anime, manga, and related merchandise. The serie...

7.20 6.78 499

"Di Gi Charat Nyo" is a sequel to the original "Di Gi Charat" anime series. The series, like the original, is centered on the alien princess Dejiko (also known as Di Gi Charat) who came to Earth to pr...

7.00 7.07 524

The Digital Universe, a parallel online world where animals known as Digimon roam, experiences devastating events in the year 2020, which lead to a series of cyber-attacks in Tokyo. A young boy named ...

7.00 6.40 600

"Digimon Adventure Tri. 2: Ketsui" is the second movie in the "Digimon Adventure Tri." series, which is a sequel to the original "Digimon Adventure" and "Digimon Adventure 02" series. The title "Ketsu...

7.20 7.46 499

A novel technology has surfaced in the not too distant future. On social media, reports about mysterious phenomena known as "Hologram Ghosts" are circulating. Their veracity is unknown. Hiro Amanokawa...

7.40 6.94 540

Technology had reached a point of prosperity for the entire planet in 2045. The World Wide Web has evolved into a home for "App Monsters" (, Apurimonsutzu), or "Appmons," intelligent creatures created...

6.90 6.58 519

The two members of Trouble Consultant team 234, also known as the "Lovely Angels," are Kei and Yuri. The majority of the missions they work on end in disaster, but not failure: They usually catch the ...

7.30 7.21 538

Near future: Aliens have taken control of most of Earth. However, a tiny area of Japan has been able to reject them because to the Grand Rifurekuto Amudo/Grand Reflect Armed's discovery of "G-On" tech...

6.50 5.77 508