Satoru Fujinuma discovers himself brought back before the catastrophe occurs just as tragedy is about to strike. The estranged 29-year-old manga artist has utilized the potent yet enigmatic phenomenon...

8.50 8.31 552

Over the years, "quirks," or recently found superpowers, have appeared more often, with 80 percent of humanity now possesing a range of skills from elemental manipulation to shapeshifting. Izuku Midor...

8.40 7.92 606

Beginning in 2301 AD, Aqua and Aria take place in the early 24th century in Neo-Venezia on the planet Aqua, which was given a new name after being terraformed into a livable world with oceans around 1...

7.30 7.68 535

Until he encounters a stunning, curvy cat-girl at a memorial service for one of his ancestors, Kio is just another boring, pleasant guy with a boring, decent life. Before he knows it, he is laying in ...

6.40 6.59 529

The balance of the Earth has been upset four years from now... A large forest covering 10,000 meters has vanished, making it impossible for anyone to live there and allowing a desert to grow indefi...

6.59 561

Five years have passed since a disaster in Japan with an unknown cause. Umatar Tenma and Hiroshi Ochanomizu, two young geniuses from Nerima University, collaborate to create Bewußtsein, a novel form ...

6.80 6.82 553

"Ayakashi" is a Japanese anime television series that originally aired in 2006. It is a horror and supernatural drama composed of three separate, unrelated stories, each based on a classic Japanese ...

6.20 6.32 455

Tadashi Satomi, also known as, is a virtual idol who sings user-submitted songs and develops self-awareness through being exposed to users' negative emotions and unhappiness with reality. She uses her...

5.40 6.00 671

The show centers on two extremely different guys named Lu Bixing and Lin Jingheng who are caught up in a dystopian future in which mind-link technology called Eden rules society. One in one hundred pe...

6.75 583

High school student Daichi Manatsu works for the Globe (Gurbu) organization to operate a massive robot known as the Earth Engine Impacter (su Enjin Inpakut) in order to defend the planet from an alien...

6.50 6.40 552

Kouji Ibuki starts having fresh nightmares after the Vanguard High School Koshien is over. Suiko is asked by Nome Tatsunagi to call him to the estate where they discover he can view a Dark Tower known...

5.80 6.44 540