After discovering that Koichi, a young student, is the reincarnation of an extraterrestrial protector who assumed the role of "defender of the Earth," Koichi/Babel joins forces with three other superp...

6.20 6.30 548

At Umesato Junior High School, delinquents frequently make fun of Haruyuki "Haru" Arita, a short, overweight boy. In order to escape the misery of reality, he goes onto the school's local network cybe...

7.10 7.24 494

In the near future, Active Raid uses cutting-edge technologies, particularly the ACTIVE system (Armored Combined Tactical Intelligence Vanguard Elements). Police departments start using powered armor ...

5.40 5.86 562

Thirteen-year-old Tyson Granger (Takao Kinomiya) aspires to be the best Beyblader in the world, along with his colleagues Kai Hiwatari, Max Tate (Max Mizuhura), and Ray Kon (Rei Kon). The Bladebreaker...

6.80 6.75 543

The action takes place in the far future on the planet Amoi, governed by Jupiter, a supercomputer. The light-haired aristocratic class is permitted to temporarily own the dark-haired "mongrels" as pet...

6.00 6.57 500

In this tale, Washu is to blame for the havoc in the world. Tenchi Masaki must now pose as a student teacher at an all-girls school in order to save it. Unfortunately, because he struggles to deal wit...

5.80 6.15 549

Earthdash's citizens are in awe at their moon and the extremely superior lunar city of Mooneyes. Dan JD, a young man from Rollingtown on Earthdash, becomes engrossed in Bigfoot Basketball, a frantic g...

7.30 7.22 484

With the development of technology, humans progressively colonized the whole solar system, living on planets from Mercury to Pluto. The "Daiundoukai," a significant sports competition including numero...

5.20 5.07 559

Based on the school-based action role-playing game by COLOPL. 2045 is the setting. Irousu (mystery invaders who suddenly emerged) have contaminated the globe, and as a result, humanity are now confine...

5.00 5.81 559

Ajin tells the tale of Nagai Kei, a student, who finds out he is a "Ajin" after being mortally injured in a car accident. In the universe of Ajin, a select few humans (referred to as "Ajin") have exce...

7.60 7.41 451

BPS, also known as Battle Programmer Shirase, is an unpaid programmer with exceptional hacking skills. It's clear that only people who are like him would value what he works for. But his manner defini...

6.50 6.91 538

Dan Bashin and the other light bearers of the cores rescued the planet two years ago. Dan no longer finds fire in the banality of routine card fights despite having once risked his life in Grand Rolo'...

7.10 524