"Godzilla: The Series" is an American animated TV show that aired on Fox Kids starting September 12, 1998. It continues directly from the 1998 American Godzilla film, with Malcolm Danare, Kevin Dunn, ...

7.40 6.70 167

**Plot Summary**: Golion, a powerful sentient robot, becomes notorious for his brutality against creatures known as the Deathblack Beastmen, declaring himself invincible. As punishment for his arrogan...

7.70 6.60 141

Will Serfort dreams of fulfilling a promise to a childhood friend by becoming a Magia Vander, a prestigious magician at the Wizard's Tower. Unfortunately, he struggles with even the most basic spells,...

7.44 8.12 298

After dying from overwork in Japan, Dahlia is reincarnated into a magical world. Raised by a master in magical toolmaking, she becomes passionate about the craft and gets engaged to her father's appre...

7.40 222

A god unexpectedly finds himself bowing before Kayano Takumi, having been mistakenly killed and unable to be reborn. However, the god offers Takumi the chance to live in a different world. Due to anot...

7.12 6.77 383

Kaito Takagi, an average high school student, leads a quiet life by day and explores dungeons in Japan by night, earning extra cash by hunting slimes. He secretly admires his childhood friend, the mos...

5.13 6.21 241

In a world where humans once triumphed in a great war, Kai serves as the guardian of sealed crypts holding their vanquished enemies. However, when “World Rebirth” alters history, Kai finds himself...

8.30 8.40 325

Ten-year-old Hazel Wells has just relocated to the bustling city of Dimmadelphia due to her father's new job. For the first time, she's without her brother Antony, who has gone off to college, leaving...

6.70 224

Kite Man, a minor villain in Gotham, dives into a series of criminal escapades to realize his dream of owning Noonan's, Gotham's grittiest dive bar. Juggling his various heists and schemes with his am...

7.30 318

Tater, a quirky girl with big dreams and just one summer to chase them, faces a major setback when her mom unexpectedly invites all 12 of her cousins for a visit. With her plans thrown into disarray, ...

5.10 163

On the planet Insanus, formerly known as Killglobe, which is home to violent robots that relentlessly battle each other, Thrasher and Blastus are outsider robots trying to navigate high school life. T...

7.90 6.10 76

The series follows Ky, a 15-year-old martial arts student on a grand quest to locate the Kairu, a primordial alien energy source. Accompanied by his friends Maya and Boomer, Ky journeys around the glo...

7.90 6.70 131