The Penguins of Madagascar is a spin-off series based on the Madagascar movies. It follows the adventures of four penguin friends: Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and Private. They live in the Central Park Z...

7.50 184

In a world plagued by dragons, dragon hunters and shamans are essential for controlling these fearsome creatures. Seur-Chong, a skilled dragon hunter and shaman, is afflicted with a deadly curse that ...

7.50 160

The animated series, which ran from 2002 to 2004, revived the character of Bean and featured minimal dialogue, mostly consisting of soundbites and mumbling. The series, with 52 episodes, introduced ne...

6.90 151

A group of Russian Protestant church leaders has petitioned the attorney general to ban the anime series Ikki Tousen and revoke the broadcast license of the channel airing it. They also included other...

7.00 279

Salad Fingers is a popular animated series that centers around a mentally disturbed, green-skinned man living in a desolate world. Initially released as a Flash animation online, Salad Fingers gained ...

8.30 141

Dr. Eggman, Sonic's arch-nemesis, has gathered all seven Chaos Emeralds and is poised to gain immense power. Sonic intervenes, causing an explosion that transports everyone from their home planet to E...

6.10 159

Danny Phantom, a popular animated series, follows the adventures of a teenage boy who is half-ghost. He uses his ghostly abilities to protect his town and the world from other ghostly threats while ke...

7.20 211

Amawa Hibiki, a recent college graduate and aspiring physical education teacher, is struggling to find a job and pay his rent. When he's turned down for a teaching position at a local middle school du...

6.90 151

Orphen, Cleao, Magik, Volcan, and Dortin are facing a challenging situation. Volcan and Dortin must find healing herbs, while Orphen and his group try to translate sacred runes to find a talisman that...

8.00 183

Kim Possible is a television series set in the town of Middleton. The show follows Kim's adventures as she fights her enemies and deals with everyday teenage problems. ...

7.20 152

Stripperella possesses various superhuman abilities, including enhanced reflexes and senses, exceptional intelligence, superhuman strength, high jumping ability, martial arts skills, and the ability t...

5.60 103

The series follows Martin Mystery and his stepsister Diana Lombard, now 16-year-olds attending Torrington Academy in Sherbrooke, Quebec. They work for a secret organization, "The Center," protecting E...

7.50 179