A race of monsters known as the Disgustoids are banished from society due to their unruly behavior and grotesque appearances. From their sentient and eponymous subterranean mountain fort, they unleash...

6.90 6.50 113

This is a list of episodes of the American animated television series The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, which was created by Maxwell Atoms, and which originally aired on Cartoon Network from Augus...

7.00 6.80 129

Zak, Cloe, Kiet and Fenzy are four unpopular guys from Earth who are not talented in sports. One day they find bracelets that have the power to transport them to another dimension. There they know Tä...

6.40 7.90 104

Steven Universe is a coming-of-age story told from the perspective of Steven, a chubby and happy-go-lucky boy and the youngest member of an intergalactic team of warriors called the Crystal Gems. Toge...

6.80 7.50 173

“GOLAN THE INSATIABLE” is the story of a mighty godlord from an alternate universe who arrives in the small town of Oak Grove, where his only friend is a 10-year-old goth girl named DYLAN. Togethe...

7.70 7.00 116

The stand-up comedy of New York-based identical twins – and television newcomers – Kenny and Keith Lucas (The Lucas Brothers) gets animated. After their uncle dies and leaves them his old van, the...

7.80 7.30 122

Theo travels the world with his tricked-out racing crew, the Fast Action Racing/Stunt Team (or F.A.R/S.T.), as they master stunts and take on villains in their path....

7.20 7.10 111

The new tops make their appearance, and they deploy as forms of vehicles: fighting is likely to be very lively....

7.50 6.90 102

Rudi Wilson is a former record executive who decides to move to the suburbs and see if she can hold her own in the world of motherhood. What Rudi finds is that her hard-partying lifestyle, frequent dr...

6.90 6.40 113

In the far future, humanity has left behind an environmentally destroyed Terra and began colonization in order to reproduce their home. Humanity, now ruled by a super computer that controls the birth ...

6.40 7.80 115

The show is made up of various sketches, portrayed by multiple animation styles created by many different animators and writers. Although no direct correlation exists between the different stories, a ...

7.20 7.10 56

The chase is on! Everyone’s favorite cat and mouse, Tom and Jerry, are back in brand-new cartoons! It’s the classic look of the original shorts, but with all-new storylines. Watch Tom, Jerry, Spik...

8.00 7.10 129