A teenage blacksmith named Kai who lives with his sister Nya. Kai works as a blacksmith to sell them as armor. The Skeleton Army comes and prepares to attack the Japanese village. The leader is Samuka...

7.00 7.40 137

The show follows the adventures of stepbrothers Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher, who live in the fictional town of Danville, somewhere in the Tri-State area. Their older sister, Candace Flynn, is obse...

6.70 7.60 129

A young mouse named Matthias lives at Redwall Abbey. Reminiscing on his past life, he remembers how his family was very poor. During a particularly harsh winter, an army of Rats, led by Cluny the Scou...

6.00 6.80 85

The series is set in a fictional, futuristic Detroit owned by evil billionaire Abraham Kane (Mark Hamill). Having banned personal freedoms including automobile transportation, Kane now faces one last ...

6.00 6.20 88

In a futuristic Tokyo, unique human beings who have awakened distinct powers are being hunted by a secret organization named Custos. Known as "Attractors", these exceptional humans are joining forces ...

7.80 6.50 121

The exciting new BEYWHEELZ chapter, which takes place in the futuristic city of Destection, where our hero, Sho, is champion of the BEYWHEELZ World Tournament! This peaceful city is home to exciting a...

7.40 6.10 84

Four ninja turtles, mutated by a mysterious alien substance, must rise up out of the sewers and defend their city against evil forces from both the past and present....

6.30 7.60 254

When ten-year old Coop Burtonburger’s spoiled 8-year-old sister Millie (who turns 9 in season 2 and would turn 10 in season 3), brings home a mysterious stray cat, Coop's idyllic life is turned upsi...

6.30 6.20 103

The series is set in the Big City, a city modeled after New York City. The story follows Blythe Baxter and her father as they move into a Big City apartment above the Littlest Pet Shop - a day-camp fo...

7.10 7.30 124

Sofia the first follows the story of an ordinary young girl who becomes a princess when her mother marries the King of Enchancia. She must learn how to act like a proper princess while overcoming her ...

8.00 6.30 140

Chima is a land where anthropomorphic humanoids lived in peace with one another until heavily armed barbarian species caused a civil war with five factions formed: Lion, Eagle, Raven, Wolf, and Crocod...

6.80 7.90 108

When battling rogue black holes, vengeful aliens, criminal masterminds, and rifts in the evil dimension, the universe turns to its bravest and brightest to save the day. When those guys are busy, howe...

7.70 7.80 110