Ordinary elementary school student Illyasviel von Einzbern transforms into a magical girl when Kaleidostick Ruby decides she would make a better master than the sorceress Rin Tohsaka. Having been assi...

6.30 7.24 514

"Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 3rei!" is the fourth season of the "Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya" anime series, which aired in 2016. The series is a spin-off of the larger "Fate/stay night" franchis...

6.30 7.52 521

The plot centers on Shirou Emiya, a diligent and honorable kid who unwittingly participates in the Holy Grail War's fifth edition, a battle royale in which participants use magic and historical Heroes...

8.00 8.32 535

The plot centers on Shirou Emiya, a diligent and honorable kid who unwittingly participates in the Holy Grail War's fifth edition, a battle royale in which participants use magic and historical Heroes...

8.00 8.19 622

"Fate/Zero Remix" is a special recap edition of the anime "Fate/Zero", which aired in 2011 as a prequel to the "Fate/stay night" series. The Remix versions condense the story of the original series in...

7.00 7.02 619

A continuation of the events from Final Fantasy V. 200 years after Bartz and his friends saved two worlds from the threat of ExDeath, a threat arises and seeks to take the Crystals for itself. Linaly,...

6.00 6.10 551

"Flying Witch Petit" is a series of short, special episodes related to the anime series "Flying Witch". The main anime series is a slice-of-life story set in a world where magic exists, although not c...

7.20 6.05 579

Fortune Quest is the tale of a bunch of adventurers. Imagine your classic D&D party—Fighter, Thief, Bard, Mage, Healer …and Porter? Okay, don’t know where the Porter comes from, but Pastel and h...

6.21 563

The love between humans and ghosts is the theme of the narrative. The Earth is home to spirits, who will love people and live for thousands of years despite humans having a finite lifetime. Humans die...

6.80 7.18 571

TV anime adaptation based on the undead idol character Francesca to promote Hokkaido, Japan. ...

5.43 537

Love Momozono, a 14-year-old Yotsuba Junior High School student, chooses to pursue a career in dancing after attending a performance by the renowned Trinity dance company on her own dime. She begins h...

8.20 7.37 539

Tooru Honda, a 16-year-old high school student, moves out... into a tent after a family tragedy throws her life upside down. Unfortunately for her, she decides to set up her new home on property owned...

8.60 8.22 563