The drama, which is set in Tokyo's Arakawa district, centers on Kou Ichinomiya, a self-made success. One rule that his father has instilled in him since he was a young child is that one should never o...

7.10 7.57 561

Arata Hinohara from present-day Japan switches places with Arata from the alternate world of Amawakuni (). The transition is concealed by an illusion, so Hinohara and Arata appear to be one person to ...

6.60 6.45 548

Beginning in 2301 AD, Aqua and Aria take place in the early 24th century in Neo-Venezia on the planet Aqua, which was given a new name after being terraformed into a livable world with oceans around 1...

7.30 7.68 535

Hajime Nagumo, a 17-year-old otaku, has his routine interrupted when he and his classmates are called to a fantasy realm and given the mission of preserving humanity. Hajime is made fun of for just le...

7.10 6.68 572

Super-deformed versions of the main characters from the Villgust video game series appear in a 4-minute promotional anime. shown in 1990 at the Tokyo Toy Show. 2 years had passed since the Kouryuu ...

6.10 5.99 528

Five college students break into the library storage on a steamy July day in search of hidden treasure. They discover two groups of female ancient Italian mummies that are between 14 and 20 years old....

5.20 5.35 502

Elder Asma's evocative storytelling in 2050 Riyadh leads her cherished grandchildren to legendary times when they discover that the difficulties, tribulations, and words of wisdom passed down from gen...

7.80 6.05 566

Meirin Kanzaki discovered her feng-shui abilities almost as soon as she learned how to speak as a young child, and she developed them to the point where she has created an online help desk where she g...

7.40 6.75 534

Astarotte Ygvar, a succubus princess and the first princess of the kingdom of Ygvarland, has just turned ten years old in the medieval fantasy world of lfheimr. For a juvenile succubus, the age of ten...

6.30 6.52 525

In a remote location west of the Twilight Land, about four years after the events of Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk, the local government employs two new alchemists, Escha and Logy, to work in ...

6.20 6.44 542

"Ayakashi" is a Japanese anime television series that originally aired in 2006. It is a horror and supernatural drama composed of three separate, unrelated stories, each based on a classic Japanese ...

6.20 6.32 455

Yachi Haruaki, a high school student, is given a mysterious, extremely heavy black cube by his father, an archaeologist working abroad, at the beginning of the story. The following night, Haruaki awak...

6.10 6.60 449