"Dog Days" is a fantasy anime series that first aired in 2011. The series is set in an alternate world known as Flonyard, which is populated by anthropomorphic animals. Wars in Flonyard are not like t...

6.20 6.88 832

Unidentified gamer wakes up with the avatar body and armor he was using while playing online. He is startled to learn that he resembles a skeleton when he sees his reflection in a river because of the...

6.90 7.21 595

Dogeza is a sex comedy that centers on Suwaru Doge (, Doge Suwaru), a man who asks young women to show him their breasts or underwear while bowing (dogeza) in front of them. He bows deeper and deeper...

4.40 5.62 516

Trump Kingdom is a mystical place where, under the direction of their monarch Princess Marie Ange, everyone's hearts dwell happily. But one day, the realm is attacked by the terrible Jikochu (Saban: M...

6.20 6.62 559

Mining for this weird metal ore starts all over the planet in 2047 after humanity found a rare metal resource called "Gaimetal" that has a tremendous amount of energy. The GCG (also known as "Gaist Cr...

5.75 477

Earth is invaded by a species of alien dubbed "Censor Bug." They try to wipe out humanity by stealing "H-energy." Retto Enj, a high school student, teams up with Kirara Hoshino, one of his childhood f...

5.40 5.75 537

The last of humanity survives a nuclear apocalypse with the aid of lifelike androids known as Dolls. Some people are designed to fight in battles as Tactical Dolls or T-Dolls. Now, Sangvis Ferri, a ne...

6.20 5.90 540

The Meiji Restoration took place in 1868. As a result, the nation had to deal with many outlaws, including samurai who rebelled against their overthrown positions. Although many were detained, they qu...

6.90 7.49 529

In the rural area of Japan, Mikan Sakura grew up beside her grandfather. Mikan transfers with her best friend Hotaru Imai to a famous school in Tokyo. The institution is actually a prestigious Academy...

7.20 7.63 512

Ten-year-old Nobita Nobi, a Japanese schoolboy, is friendly and trustworthy but also slow, unlucky, weak, struggles academically, and isn't very good at sports. One day, Nobita's descendants send Dora...

8.00 7.77 567

The story of Dororo takes place during the Sengoku era and centers on a rinin named Hyakkimaru and a young, orphaned robber named Dororo. The rnin was born deformed, limbless, and lacking in both inte...

7.60 7.21 547

After the Invertia impact event, which destroyed the majority of the planet's cities and gave humans the ability to acquire superpowers, megacorporations known as the Integrated Enterprise Foundations...

6.80 6.83 559