"Gegege no Kitarou (1985)" is the third anime adaptation of the classic Japanese manga series, "Gegege no Kitarou," written and illustrated by Shigeru Mizuki. The series ran from 1985 to 1988. "Geg...

7.30 6.49 639

"Gegege no Kitarou (2007)" is the fifth anime adaptation of the classic Japanese manga series "Gegege no Kitarou," created by Shigeru Mizuki. The series aired from 2007 to 2009. The story revolves ...

6.90 6.87 507

Hiro, a small boy, wants to play the video game with his father. He enters the arcade early, starts a game, and soon finds himself transported to the Dragon Collection realm. Hiro is forced to train t...

6.19 498

"Gegege no Kitarou (2018)" is the sixth and latest anime adaptation of the classic manga series "Gegege no Kitarou" by Shigeru Mizuki. This series started in April 2018, marking the 50th anniversary o...

7.40 7.22 523

The protagonist of the series is Ryji Kisaragi, an apparently unremarkable adolescent who leads a tranquil existence while going to high school. However, as his second cousin Eriko arrives from abroad...

5.90 6.64 473

"Gegege no Kitarou (1968)" is the first anime adaptation of the popular manga series "Gegege no Kitarou" by Shigeru Mizuki. The series originally aired from 1968 to 1969. The story centers around t...

7.30 6.69 532

There there was a brave swordsman who was known only as "the hero" in history. A demon once existed who brought about suffering in humanity. The hero and his allies arrived to engage the demon in comb...

8.00 7.17 487

"Gegege no Kitarou (1971)" is the second anime adaptation of the manga series "Gegege no Kitarou" by Shigeru Mizuki. This version aired from 1971 to 1972 and continued the adventures of the title char...

7.00 6.49 434

There there was a brave swordsman who was known only as "the hero" in history. A demon once existed who brought about suffering in humanity. The hero and his allies arrived to engage the demon in comb...

7.80 7.58 492

"Gegege no Kitarou (1996)" is the fourth anime adaptation of the "Gegege no Kitarou" manga by Shigeru Mizuki. The series aired from 1996 to 1998. The storyline continues to follow Kitarou, a young ...

6.90 6.71 428

A dragon is expelled from his family after he falls short of the terrifying expectations placed on him. He sets out on a search for a new home but quickly realizes that the road is not the place for a...

6.10 6.41 563

Girls from 22 distinct bloodlines are chosen to use the Elemental Tarot's power to battle the Daemonia, demons that prey on people's bad emotions and change them into monsters. The world is tormented ...

5.80 6.40 515