Voltron: Defender of the Universe is an American animated television series that combines elements from two Japanese series: Beast King GoLion and Armored Fleet Dairugger XV. The show follows a group ...

7.50 7.20 114

Green Lantern: The Animated Series follows Hal Jordan, a Green Lantern tasked with protecting Sector 2814. He fights against the Red Lanterns, led by the vengeful Atrocitus, and the Manhunters. Hal's ...

7.50 6.30 124

This list includes all episodes from both seasons of the animated series. The episodes are organized based on their original production order, not their actual air dates. Some episodes aired with thei...

8.14 7.00 98

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness follows Po's ongoing adventures as he trains to become a skilled warrior and protect the Valley of Peace. Now living with the Furious Five, Po faces new challenge...

7.80 7.50 120

Stitch, the lovable blue alien, returns in this heartwarming story. After crash-landing on a Japanese island, he forms a bond with a young girl named Yuna. Together, they embark on adventures filled w...

6.10 7.70 95

George discovers a device called Replayola that allows him to change bad moments in his life. He uses it to improve his public speaking, become wealthy, and even run for president. However, when jealo...

6.10 6.80 119

The series follows the adventures of Bob, a Guardian tasked with protecting the computer system known as Mainframe from malicious viruses. He works alongside his companions Enzo and Dot Matrix. The sh...

7.70 6.70 101

Plot Summary: Following the destruction of their home planet Thundera, the surviving Thunderans (a cat-human race) hope to find a new home, only to be attacked by mutant pirates. All but one Thunderan...

7.80 6.90 122

This is an episode list for the animated TV series **Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles**, which debuted in 1987. A total of 193 episodes were broadcast from 1987 to 1996. The first three seasons aired in s...

6.50 6.40 120

After the end of the War, Aang and Zuko united people from all four nations and established the United Republic, creating Republic City—a bustling metropolis fueled by steampunk-style technology lik...

7.70 6.80 125

Beck is a young program who rises to become the skilled leader of a revolution within the computer world known as The Grid. His mission is to liberate his home and friends from the oppressive rule of ...

7.50 7.00 101

In this season, contestants travel around the world participating in international challenges. They must break into song whenever Chris rings a special chime—usually under duress or in response to m...

6.90 6.30 106