This show is a prequel to the live action sitcom ALF, depicting ALF's life back on his home planet of Melmac, much resembling a 1950s/1960s small town. Since the name "ALF" was an acronym sh...

7.10 7.70 135

The Laurel and Hardy Show is a series of short silent films which later led into talking short films and feature movies with the progression in sound technology. The show revolves around the duo getti...

8.00 6.90 112

A group of reclusive humanoid bears and a few trusted humans explore their lost heritage and prevent their enemies from exploiting it....

7.50 6.60 128

Parents need to know that Zig & Sharko is a silent animated series from France with a lot of cartoon-style violence -- explosions, crashes, extensive falls, etc. -- that's meant to be funny rather...

6.30 7.90 117

Washington the fox, Sam the wild boar and Eugenie, Sam's little sister, and Suzie the black bird are tired of living paw-to-mouth in the wilderness. They crave the creature comforts only the suburbs c...

7.30 7.80 106

Two brothers discover an alien girl called Zixx Punkee Zee and help her get past level one of a game. When Zixx finishes all three levels she will have achieved her mission and be able to go back to h...

7.10 7.80 127

A big round face with two springy pigtails on top, and a gangly body dressed in a stripy shirt, red tunic-dress and speedy sneakers. Zoé Kézako the TV series features the adventures of this irresist...

8.00 6.10 111

Ever After High is a boarding school located in the Fairy Tale World. It is attended by the teenage children of fairy tale characters, destined to follow in their parents' footsteps and keep their sto...

7.90 6.20 109

A re-interpretation of Ramayana, the Thai animation film tells the story of a giant robot, Na Kiew, who's left wandering in a barren wasteland after a great war. Na Kiew meets Jao Phuek, a puny tin ro...

6.30 7.60 137

Yakari is a young Sioux Native American who has the ability to understand and speak animal languages. During his adventures, he meets all sorts of North American animals. His best friends are a girl S...

7.60 7.70 87

The Beatles agree to accompany Captain Fred in his Yellow Submarine and go to Pepperland to free it from the music hating Blue Meanies....

7.50 6.20 113

Darius, the leader of a flock of birds, is wounded just before it is time for the birds to migrate to Africa. Information about how to lead to the migration has to be passed to the first bird that enc...

6.60 6.90 74