The story revolves around three bike-riding Penguins that inhabit Big City, uniting to protect it and its citizens from the evil Caractacus P. Doom, an insane and reclusive criminal scientist. The Pen...

7.80 7.30 107

Life is never peaceful when Blinky Bill, the mischievous koala, is around. Sporting a hobo knapsack, a pair of red overalls and a wandering soul, Blinky is always on the search for adventure. ...

7.00 7.00 91

Shaggy and Scooby-Doo and friends must return 13 ghosts which they inadvertently released to a magical chest. Together with Daphne and Scrappy-Doo, along with newcomer Flim-Flam, they travel the world...

7.80 7.00 96

The Addams Family is not your typical family: they take delight in most of the things that "normal" people would be terrified of. Gomez Adams is an extremely wealthy man, and is able to indulge his wi...

7.70 6.10 106

The series focuses on the Addams Family at their ancestral home in the fictional town of Happydale Heights. Much of the plot lines focus on mostly the family dealing with an issue concerning their liv...

6.30 7.10 104

Chuck is a dump truck him and his freinds have fun together and with the world famous monster truck rally. Chucks brother...

7.10 6.80 95

Adventures of a bear from Peru that comes to England after an earthquake that destroys his home. ...

6.70 7.60 107

The continuing adventures of Sam the Bogart-like dog and Max the hyper-kinetic bunny.Sam and Max is about a dog and a rabbity thing. That's what you would think when you first see it. Then you would n...

6.30 7.10 117

The adventures of Spot, a little yellow puppy and his family and friends. ...

6.60 6.90 91

The show is about a witty jester named Tenali Raman living in the town of Vijayanagara,the king Krishnadevaraya's best friend and the Rajguru and Tingary have plans to get Tenali put out of the palace...

6.40 6.80 109

The new adventures of Popeye the Sailor Man and his friends....

6.10 6.10 125

An updated version of the classic series, following Badou, and King Babar's 8-year-old grandson....

7.50 6.80 121