The storyline follows a cast of vibrant characters, starting with Jim, an ordinary earthworm whose life takes a dramatic turn. Initially, Jim engages in typical earthworm activities, like fleeing from...

7.70 6.60 116

The Berenstain Bears is a 1980s cartoon adaptation of the beloved children's book series. The show centers around the Bear family, featuring Papa Bear, a carpenter who adores his family and often beli...

6.00 6.30 121

Out There follows the coming-of-age misadventures of socially awkward Chad, his younger brother Jay, and their best friend Chris as they navigate adolescence in the small town of Holford. Set against ...

6.90 7.40 123

The beloved, mischievous, and heroic Bugs Bunny returns in an all-new series of comedic shorts from Warner Bros. Animation. In this series, Bugs finds himself outsmarting classic characters like Yosem...

6.10 6.10 112

Mr. Pocket launches a new hotel called the Pocket Plaza, also known as the Plaza Hotel, in New York City. He introduces Pia Pocket, an English friend and identical cousin of Polly, who aspires to beco...

6.80 6.30 104

A team of mutant superheroes battles for justice and seeks acceptance for their kind within the Marvel Comics universe. As they confront various threats and adversaries, they also strive to overcome p...

7.50 6.70 124

Five teenage girls find out they have been chosen to safeguard the boundaries between parallel universes. To aid them in this important task, they are bestowed with elemental powers, enabling them to ...

7.90 7.70 105

In the year 2805, Earth has been abandoned and is buried under mountains of garbage left behind by decades of rampant consumerism driven by the megacorporation Buy 'n' Large (BnL). Seven hundred years...

6.70 6.50 99

Adventures in Odyssey (AIO), often referred to simply as Odyssey, is an Evangelical Christian radio drama and comedy series created and produced by Focus on the Family. The series features engaging st...

6.00 7.10 105

What-a-Mess is a beloved series of children's books created by British comedy writer Frank Muir, with illustrations by Joseph Wright. The story centers around the title character, a scruffy and accide...

6.10 7.10 86

Set in Hollywood in 1947, the story features cartoon characters, known as "toons," who interact with real people and live in the animated district of Toontown. Private detective Eddie Valiant, who onc...

6.40 7.70 139

The magically long-haired Rapunzel has lived her entire life confined to a tower. However, everything changes when a runaway thief unexpectedly enters her life, leading her to explore the world outsid...

6.20 6.10 88