Ginger Foutley, a junior high school student, navigates the challenges of social life and friendship. With her friends Darren, Dodie, and Macie, she strives to overcome her geeky image and resolve con...

8.00 7.30 162

Total Drama Island is a reality show where twenty-two teenagers compete at Camp Wawanakwa in Muskoka, Ontario. Campers participate in challenges to avoid elimination by their peers. The winner receive...

6.10 7.60 168

In this heartwarming tale, a group of forest animals band together to survive when their home is threatened by bulldozers. They face various dangers, including a fire and a perilous river crossing, bu...

7.60 6.80 146

Two female Japanese singers, accompanied by their ambitious manager, embark on a journey to find work. One singer is a rocker, while the other is more gentle. Their adventures take them to various loc...

7.60 7.20 153

The Justice League, first introduced in The Brave and the Bold #28, originally consisted of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter. Over the years, the te...

7.60 6.60 181

*Courage the Cowardly Dog* centers on Courage, an overly frightened dog living with Muriel and Eustace in a farmhouse near the fictional town of Nowhere, Kansas. After being abandoned as a puppy, Cour...

7.90 6.40 192

*Total Drama Island* is a fictional reality show set on Camp Wawanakwa, a made-up island located somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario. The competition features twenty-two teenagers who participate in various...

7.70 7.70 164

Forced to leave her underground refuge, Eva emerges onto the Earth's surface and encounters a world far different from what she anticipated. As she navigates through dangerous landscapes and unfamilia...

6.77 149

In the distant future, shortly after the conclusion of World War IX, Lloyd Nebulon, a green-skinned alien from the Verdigrean race with distinctive ears and a single antenna, resides in the Intrepidvi...

6.70 7.60 166

Cow and Chicken are siblings with human parents whose faces are never shown in the series. Initially, in the pilot episode "No Smoking," their parents' bodies are depicted without upper halves. In the...

7.40 7.40 146

Before the "Free Magilla" episode, the creators of *Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law* made a short 10-minute parody of the 1960s cartoon series, titled *Busy Day for Birdman*....

7.50 6.10 182

Tater, a quirky girl with big dreams and just one summer to chase them, faces a major setback when her mom unexpectedly invites all 12 of her cousins for a visit. With her plans thrown into disarray, ...

5.10 162