The story follows a cat and a dog who share a single body. Dog's head is at one end, and Cat's head is at the other. The two constantly argue due to Dog's foolishness and Cat's uptight nature. The sto...

6.50 107

Ed, Edd n Eddy is a popular animated series about three boys called the Eds who live in a suburban neighborhood. Led by Eddy, the Eds constantly try to make money from their friends by selling jawbrea...

7.40 185

The show centers around a unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle who is sent to Ponyville by Princess Celestia to make friends. She is accompanied by a baby dragon named Spike. Twilight becomes friends w...

6.70 186

Destination Imagination, a television movie based on the Cartoon Network series Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, won the "Outstanding Animated Program" Emmy Award in 2009. It defeated Afro Samurai...

7.60 175

Jhonen Vasquez, the creator of Invader Zim, has talked about a new anime called Panty & Stocking. He says that a character in Panty & Stocking, named Chuck, looks like GIR, a character from Invader Zi...

8.40 192

A guy named Mikey goes to Japan to be in an anime. When he gets there, he finds out that the other people in the anime are all typical anime characters. ...

6.60 152

Loonatics Unleashed takes place in 2772 when a meteor hits Acmetropolis, knocking it off its axis. The meteor releases supernatural energies that change the genetic codes of some citizens, giving them...

5.60 185

Sheen Estevez, Jimmy Neutron's best friend, accidentally flies into space in Jimmy's rocketship. He lands on Zeenu, a planet inhabited by aliens called Zeenunians. Sheen wants to return home but his r...

2.90 125

The show takes place in the year 100,000,000 A.D. on a satellite orbiting Earth, which is described as a peaceful utopia without problems. All countries have united, and there are no wars, pollution, ...

7.80 165

The cartoon trio Alfe, Roba, and Horace started in a 2001 comic called "Roba" on the Paper Rad website. They showed up again in another comic titled "MB" there. Their animation debut was in a music vi...

2.00 166

Cubix was created by Cinepix and licensed by 4Kids Entertainment in North America. It aired for two seasons on Kids' WB! and later on FoxBox. In 2010, it was added to Toonzai/The CW4Kids block on The ...

6.00 149

Milo, an outgoing fish, his nervous brother Oscar, and their overly dramatic friend Bea Goldfishberg are the main characters. They attend Fresh Water High, a school located in a pet store aquarium. Th...

6.00 7.40 168