In a post-apocalyptic future, three hundred years after the Great War between Autobots and Decepticons, Cybertron is now ruled by the Maximals, descendants of the Autobots, who coexist with the Predac...
6.20 7.50 105Parents should be aware that this tween cartoon, a spin-off of the live-action sitcom Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, features lighthearted witch humor similar to its predecessor. The storylines revolve a...
6.10 7.60 112The series continues the adventures of the Ghostbusters, featuring secretary Janine, accountant Louis, and their mischievous mascot, Slimer. Together, they hunt down and capture rogue spirits across N...
7.20 6.80 105Home Movies is a dialogue-focused animated series that aired from 1999 to 2004. It follows the adventures of eight-year-old Brendon Small, who creates films with his friends Melissa Robbins and Jason ...
6.30 6.30 108The storyline follows a cast of vibrant characters, starting with Jim, an ordinary earthworm whose life takes a dramatic turn. Initially, Jim engages in typical earthworm activities, like fleeing from...
7.70 6.60 116The Brak Show is a whimsical sitcom centered around a neighborhood and a family, exploring the comedic ups and downs that arise when adults have children who attend school. The series features Brak, t...
6.80 6.40 128The series expanded on the idea of a shared Marvel Animated Universe, incorporating characters from various Marvel cartoons of the time. However, after UPN deemed the first season too dark, changes we...
6.10 7.10 130Tom finds himself responsible for a priceless magical ring entrusted to him by a young wizard. However, chaos ensues when Jerry accidentally gets the ring stuck on his head and bolts into the city, wi...
7.30 7.30 125The Berenstain Bears is a 1980s cartoon adaptation of the beloved children's book series. The show centers around the Bear family, featuring Papa Bear, a carpenter who adores his family and often beli...
6.00 6.30 121