In this classic story, Alice tumbles through a mirror and finds herself in the enchanting realm of Chessland. Her adventure across the eight whimsical squares of Chessland is brought to life in a high...

7.10 7.20 108

Set in Hollywood in 1947, the story features cartoon characters, known as "toons," who interact with real people and live in the animated district of Toontown. Private detective Eddie Valiant, who onc...

6.40 7.70 139

To many, Wolverine stands out as Marvel's greatest hero, renowned as the best there is at what he does. His existence is shaped by a blend of genetics, environment, and possibly divine intervention, m...

6.10 7.40 115

The magically long-haired Rapunzel has lived her entire life confined to a tower. However, everything changes when a runaway thief unexpectedly enters her life, leading her to explore the world outsid...

6.20 6.10 88

The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin follows the journey of young Teddy Ruxpin as he departs from his home on the island of Rillonia, accompanied by his best friend Grubby. They embark on a quest guided by ...

6.70 6.60 122

Auto-B-Good is a five-time Emmy Award-winning series that airs on public television globally. It follows the adventures of nine distinct vehicles, each with its own unique personality, living in the C...

6.70 7.90 81

Bee is a lively young woman in her twenties who frequently loses her low-paying, menial jobs. One day, while returning home from yet another disappointing job interview, she encounters PuppyCat, a pec...

8.00 7.30 85

Inspired by the animated short Bob's Birthday (1993), this series chronicles the everyday adventures of a London dentist and his chiropodist wife. Together, they navigate the ups and downs of their pe...

7.00 7.80 121

Bob the Builder follows the animated adventures of Bob and his trusty machines as they work together to tackle various challenges. With teamwork and problem-solving skills, they consistently find ways...

6.00 6.10 122

The story revolves around the adventures taking place at a high school for superheroes, where the Marvel Family battles evil using the powers bestowed upon them by the wizard Shazam. As they navigate ...

7.90 7.10 109

What a drag it is to spend an entire day on a stunning tropical island with friends, sipping coconut milkshakes. Bob, the New York City dog, unexpectedly finds himself stranded on this paradise island...

6.80 7.80 118

Boohbah is a television show designed for babies and toddlers, featuring five vibrant characters who communicate in their unique secret language. Through playful interactions, the show aims to teach y...

7.50 7.80 87