The Little Rascals had previously been adapted into animation for television on two occasions. In the 1960s, a series of clay-animated Little Rascals Color Specials were created for syndication, likel...
7.10 7.00 126The Pink Panther is a charming and principled cartoon cat characterized by his pink fur and refined English aristocratic manners. He typically remains calm and composed, only becoming flustered or irr...
6.10 7.20 117Intergalactic aliens are invading Earth, and it falls to the elite, covert Bureau of Alien Detectors to locate and eliminate them. However, some individuals in positions of power have their own concea...
6.10 7.50 114The series centers around Jack Tenrec and his team of ecological freedom fighters known as the "Mechanics." His often hesitant partner is Hannah Dundee, a foreign ambassador who enlists Jack as a liai...
6.00 6.80 117John was a committed leader of Camp Candy, a summer camp he likely founded, where he worked to help the kids bond and get along. Several episodes revolved around John as he faced challenges, including...
6.90 7.80 123On a Nebraska farm, a family of mice lives quietly, including young Max. While Max was out collecting corn, exterminators arrived to rid the house of the mice. From a distance, Max saw the exterminato...
7.90 7.20 114A diverse group of kids, represented as puppets, gather at "The Puzzle Place" to share stories, sing songs, and celebrate together. As they bond, they learn valuable life lessons about friendship, com...
6.00 7.00 109The exciting adventures of a family of raccoons and their close-knit group of friends. ...
6.40 7.30 125In a style reminiscent of "SuperTed" (1983), this story follows dolls discarded into a factory reject bin, who come to life and embark on adventures. Instead of turning into superheroes to save others...
7.60 6.40 117Ren, an unstable Chihuahua, and Stimpy, a clueless Manx cat, embark on a series of bizarre and unconventional adventures together. ...
6.60 6.40 122Two orphans attempt to request ordinary parents from a foster agency, but instead, they are paired with a British secret agent as their mother and a thrill-seeking stuntman as their father. ...
7.60 7.70 90