Time Safari follows a group of adventurous teenagers who embark on the ultimate road trip through time. Equipped with their TimeFlyer—a wormhole-surfing vehicle borrowed from their future friend—t...

6.30 7.20 89

Nugget Nose follows the spirited adventures of a feisty ghost prospector who rides his invisible horse across the Wild West. Serving as a quirky guardian to two teenage cowgirls, Wendy and Rita, who w...

6.40 7.20 117

In this animated series, Garfield, the iconic lasagna-loving cat, resides in the quaint town where his owner, Jon Arbuckle, lives. Throughout the episodes, Garfield embarks on whimsical adventures, ex...

7.60 7.90 121

In this charming animated series, Andy LeBeau, the angelic character originally portrayed by Gary Coleman in "The Kid with the Broken Halo," descends to Earth to help children navigate their everyday ...

8.00 6.50 93

In this heartwarming animated series, a group of anthropomorphic animal children navigate adventures in their vibrant community, learning valuable lessons about teamwork and friendship along the way. ...

7.80 6.20 96

"The Great Book of Nature" is an Italian animated series produced by Mondo TV in 1999, featuring a charming bear as the host. Each of the 54 non-sequential episodes explores various creatures—from f...

6.90 7.40 91

The series follows the heartwarming and comedic adventures of a 40-foot purple ape and his clever, wisecracking canine friend. Together, they navigate a whimsical world, tackling challenges with humor...

6.70 7.00 88

The series is set in an industrial estate featuring the Spottiswood & Company factory, where a versatile machine named Bertha can produce any requested item, from cuckoo clocks to windmill money boxes...

7.20 7.20 83

The series centers around a family of anthropomorphic lions who live and work in a bustling library, joined by unique characters like Click, a tech-savvy computer mouse. Its main aim is to encourage l...

7.60 6.40 115

The series "Beverly Hills, 90210" offers a glimpse into the lives of affluent teenagers in Beverly Hills, showcasing their lavish lifestyles, social dynamics, and the challenges they face. It captures...

7.00 7.30 104

In the original "Big Bad Beetleborgs," three average pre-teens—Derek, Margo, and Jo—stumble into a haunted house and meet a quirky blue ghost named Flabber. After freeing him from a pipe organ, th...

7.40 6.20 111

While exploring ancient ruins, two young archaeologists, Derek and Margo, along with their nomadic friend Moki, find themselves ensnared in a swirling pool of sand. Once the chaos subsides, they look ...

7.40 6.60 128