Three people, Shino Inuzuka, Sosuke Inukawa, and Hamaji, were the only survivors of a plague that killed all the residents of Tsuka Village five years before the story begins. They seek refuge in a ch...
6.90 7.41 555"Hakugei: Legend of the Moby Dick" is a science-fiction anime series loosely based on Herman Melville's classic novel, "Moby Dick." Instead of the 19th-century high seas setting of the original nove...
7.00 6.63 523The casual narrative is on the day-to-day activities of two of those tiny women, the tomboyish Hakumei and the peaceful, ladylike Mikochi, who live together in a house in a tree in a world where peopl...
7.20 7.68 543Chizuru Yukimura has traveled to Kyoto in search of her absent father, a doctor. She sees an argument between an Oni and the Shinsengumi while she is there. The Shinsengumi debates what to do with Chi...
7.30 7.38 575"Hakyu Hoshin Engi" is an anime series based on the manga "Hoshin Engi" by Ryu Fujisaki, which is itself a loose adaptation of the ancient Chinese novel "Fengshen Yanyi." The series combines elements ...
6.00 5.38 553The relationship between a group of highly skilled Orbital Drop Shock Troopers and their Spartan partner seems to be the main focus of this specific Halo Legends clip. Contrary to what you may expect ...
6.50 7.00 474The protagonist of Hamatora is a 17-year-old boy named Nice who, along with his colleagues Hajime and later Murasaki, owns and operates a private investigative firm in Yokohama, Japan, called "Hamator...
6.69 7.27 500Taro Hanaukyo receives an invitation to his grandfather's house following the death of his mother. There, he meets a lovely maid named Mariel and learns that his grandfather has handed him possession ...
6.60 6.77 519A typical 14-year-old middle school student named Naru Sekiya enjoys fairy tales but worries that she doesn't have any other hobbies. She meets a "fairy," a foreign girl who is nightly practicing danc...
7.10 7.33 381At Ochanomizu Industrial University, second-year engineering student Kazuya Saotome is a geek. He is working to create an artificial intelligence (AI) robot that resembles a toy squid in order to fulf...
6.50 6.71 515In "AD20XX," Hand Shakers takes place in Osaka. Tazuna Takatsuki, a high school student with a talent for mechanics, accepts a specific repair request and travels to a university research center throu...
3.10 5.28 517