Gunslinger Girl is a television series that is set in Italy and centers on the activities of the Social Welfare Agency, a purportedly philanthropic organization supported by the Italian government. Al...
7.30 7.40 525Irene "Rally" Vincent, who runs the titular "Gunsmith Cats" gun store at the age of 19, also works as a bounty hunter, which serves as the basis for many of the adventures. Her housemate and former se...
7.20 7.32 535The events of Gurren Lagann take place in a future in which Lordgenome, the Spiral King, rules over Earth and imprisons people in remote underground settlements. These settlements are always under dan...
8.30 8.63 471The Chronos Corporation, which has biologically created workers and troops who can instantly morph into formidable monsters known as Zoanoids, has dark designs for the globe. After taking a bag holdin...
7.50 7.11 574Sho Fukamachi, a normal teenager accidentally found an alien object called Unit and thus, changed his life forever. The Unit bonded with Sho, resulting a powerful fighting lifeform called Guyver. With...
7.80 7.24 563A secret organization called Nematoda engaged Professors Akitsu, Himuro, and Wakatsuki to create Zeorymer, the ultimate "G-Class" enormous robot. Nematoda had aspirations to rule the globe. On his dea...
6.20 6.12 509Kodaka Hasegawa, a transfer student to St. Chronica's Academy, has had trouble making friends due of the combination of his fierce-looking eyes and brown-blond hair, which he got from his deceased Eng...
7.00 7.18 675"Haibane Renmei" is a thought-provoking anime series created by Yoshitoshi ABe. The story is set in a mysterious walled town and follows a group of characters known as the Haibane, who are born from...
8.00 7.97 513Shoyo Hinata, a junior high school student, develops a volleyball obsession after watching Karasuno High School compete in Nationals on television. Being short himself, Hinata was influenced by Karasu...
8.70 8.45 808"Haja Kyosei G Dangaiou" (also known as "Dangaiou Great") is a mecha anime series that aired in 2001. It's a sequel to "Haja Taisei Dangaioh" (or "Dangaioh: Hyper Combat Unit"), but features a new sto...
5.80 5.42 561Ippo Makunouchi, a quiet high school student who was often assisting his mother in managing their family's fishing charter business, struggled to establish friends. Because he was reclusive, a gang of...
8.80 8.75 593In a city known as Fukuoka, crime exists in the underworld from a seemingly peaceful surface. In the Hakata ward of the city, there are various individuals with special talent that consists of profess...
7.10 7.38 534