The conflict between two opposing powers serves as the setting for Gilgamesh. The Countess of Werdenberg and her three Orga-Superior children are on one side, and the Gilgamesh, led by Terumichi Madok...

6.70 6.64 397

In an alternate reality from the late Edo period, "Amanto" (also known as "Sky People"), an alien race, assault humanity. Samurai from Edo, Japan, fight to protect Earth, but the shgun shamefully surr...

8.70 8.95 411

The jovial but impoverished Yorozuya team members Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura are back! They strive to survive by performing any task they can get their hands on while living in an alternate univer...

8.70 9.08 681

Yukinari Sasaki is a typical high school student who experiences so much bullying from girls that he acquired an allergy to them. He thus experiences hives anytime he interacts with a woman. When he g...

6.60 6.39 543

Second season of Girls Bravo ...

7.30 6.62 558

Yuuri and Chito, two girls, are followed in the series as they explore the post-apocalyptic wreckage of society. They search for food and supplies while moving around in their Kettenkrad to get by day...

7.70 8.20 516

"Girls und Panzer" is a unique anime series that combines the slice-of-life genre with military themes. The series takes place in an alternate reality where "Sensha-do" (the way of the tank), a martia...

7.40 7.52 543

The last of humanity survives a nuclear apocalypse with the aid of lifelike androids known as Dolls. Some people are designed to fight in battles as Tactical Dolls or T-Dolls. Now, Sangvis Ferri, a ne...

6.00 5.90 512

In opposition to Vetti's recently established empire is the People's Army, led by Michel. Michel seeks to convince Glass Battleship commander Cleo to aid the People's Army in overthrowing Vetti's king...

6.80 6.56 514

Shuichi Kagaya, a high school student, gains the capacity to change into a huge monstrous dog. It has a large smile on the front and a zipper on the back, making it look like a mascot outfit. He meets...

6.80 7.00 407

"Glitter Force Doki Doki" is the English dubbed adaptation of "DokiDoki! Precure," which is a part of the long-running Japanese magical girl anime franchise, "Pretty Cure" by Toei Animation. The serie...

6.20 6.62 573

Gloomy was abandoned as a cub and rescued by his current owner, Pity. Pity once had a teddy bear that was thrown away by his mother, so he promised himself that he would never abandon Gloomy. Gloomy, ...

4.30 5.19 543