"Hyper Speed GranDoll" is a three-episode Original Video Animation (OVA) series from the mid-1990s that combines elements of the magical girl and mecha genres. The story centers around Hikaru Amami...
4.10 5.47 522After having fought over Share energy for many years, the Goddesses signed a treaty which forbids each from taking Share energy from the other using forceful means. As a result of Neptune’s laziness...
6.40 6.94 557Hibiki Amawa is a motivated young guy who graduated from college with a certificate in athletics and whose ideal job is to be a professional instructor. He rushes off to the adjacent Seit Sannomiya Pr...
7.00 6.78 518A strange half-faced creature carried Yuusuke Yotsuya, Iu Shindo, and Kusue Hakozaki to perform his play while giving them quests to finish it within the allotted time. In addition, if at least one of...
6.50 6.49 585Azusa has a torturous existence as an office worker before passing away through overwork. She wakes up in a new world as an immortal, ageless witch and makes the commitment to live as happily and stre...
6.40 6.97 550By A.D. 2010, all men have died off quickly due to a dramatic change in the environment and an unknown contaminant. The population decreased to the lowest number ever seen…until only the women were ...
5.28 365Narihisago, a renowned investigator who is currently serving time in jail, is the main character of the novel as he investigates numerous serial murders. Prior to the recent incidents, two years ago, ...
7.60 7.85 447Cute fourteen-year-old Mimu Emilton is attending the yearly Starland Festival in hopes of achieving her goal of becoming an idol like her idol, Yuri. The President of Earth, Yuri, has urged people to ...
5.80 5.67 534Despite his youth, Dale is a very accomplished adventurer who has established a solid reputation for himself. While working in the jungle one day, he encounters Latina, a young devil girl who has near...
7.00 7.10 591After seeing a concert by the minor idol group ChamJam, which causes her to become fixated with one of its members, Maina Ichii, Eripiyo's initially routine existence is flipped upside down. Maina is ...
7.20 7.43 537The series revolves around 20-year-old Makoto, who frequently gets involved in highly dangerous situations, usually against his own judgment. ...
6.50 6.87 561