Golden Darkness, a cold-blooded assassin who can shift, comes back to delve deeper into the mysteries of her new existence as a dark Nemesis manipulates Mea, her younger sister, from the shadows. This...
7.00 7.45 503Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales began shortly after the Battle of Endor. C-3PO and R2-D2 tell those assembled around them about the story that led them both to the battle. According to The Hollywood Repor...
6.70 6.70 102Murasaki Wakako, a 26-year-old woman, enjoys dining and drinking alone, particularly when something upsetting occurs at work. In several solitary outings where she savors various concoctions of food a...
6.80 6.63 355According to an old myth, when the Demon God returns, the Goddess of Fate will choose six heroes, known as the Braves of the Six Flowers, and give them the ability to rebel against the demons who want...
6.90 7.29 446In the heart of the Shouwa era, avarice is prevalent throughout the nation's bustling cities and towns. Enma Daiou, the King of Hell, calls a representative—a little boy named Kurayami Santa—into ...
6.50 5.17 623The Goddess of Fate selects six individuals, known as the Braves of the Six Flowers, to vanquish the Demon God. They suspect that one of the heroes is a fake and is on the Demon God's side because the...
6.90 7.29 504Majin Buu, life is peaceful once again. Ordered by Chi-chi to earn money, Goku works even as he wants to train even more. Meanwhile, Goten, about to become a brother-in-law to Videl, sets out on a jou...
8.30 7.42 723Tsubasa Misudachi's routine life is upended one day when a massive UFO spins above Japan and crashes into a remote countryside outside of Nagaoka. A friendly extraterrestrial creature emerges from the...
7.40 7.26 488