An original television series called Urawa no Usagi-chan follows the daily activities of eight junior high school students in the Urawa district of Saitama Prefecture. Watch the personalities of Usagi...
5.00 5.37 387Yuuta Iridatsu discovers that his soul has been severed from his body and is being cared for by a repulsive cat spirit named Chiranosuke after escaping a bus hijacking with the aid of the disguised su...
6.10 6.92 487Subaru is prepared to visit her school's observation room with a telescope in hand to see the meteor shower that night. What she didn't expect was a luxurious garden with a magnificent fountain and a ...
6.20 6.72 463The plot centers on Takeo Gda, a tall, chiseled high school student who has trouble attracting ladies since every woman he likes ends up choosing his charming and attractive best buddy, Makoto Sunakaw...
7.80 7.91 326"My Love Story!!" (Ore Monogatari!! in Japanese) is a romantic comedy anime series based on the manga of the same name by Kazune Kawahara. The series aired from April to September 2015 and was produce...
7.80 7.91 449Kumiko Oumae intends to put her past behind her now that she is a student at Kitauji High School. She wants a new beginning, but her new friends, Sapphire Kawashima and Hazuki Katou, draw her back int...
7.90 8.00 470The jovial but impoverished Yorozuya team members Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura are back! They strive to survive by performing any task they can get their hands on while living in an alternate univer...
8.70 9.08 648Eruna Ichinomiya is a third-year middle school student who spends her days playing video games at home because she hasn't chosen which high school to attend. One day, Eruna is given a flyer for Mikagu...
6.30 6.69 479The same-named anime is an adaptation of a four-panel comic by artist Daisuke Kimura. The anime's plot revolves around veggies that kids detest, people avoid eating, and people avoid because they smel...
4.98 513Eruna Ichinomiya just wants to be around gorgeous girls who are dressed in cute clothes. She chooses to enroll in the prominent high school recognized for its cultural groups because Mikagura High Sch...
6.20 6.68 436