Bikini Warriors is an anime series that parodies classic fantasy role-playing games. It revolves around a party of four female adventurers, each representing a common character class in RPGs: Fighter,...
5.20 5.11 507Kimihito Kurusu is a typical student in Asaka, Saitama, who at first has no relation to the exchange program. However, when coordinator Kuroko Smith unintentionally brings the extremely terrified and ...
6.60 6.99 509Before monster chicks crowded in, Kimihito Kurusu led a quiet, nondescript existence by himself because his parents were away. The cutting-edge Japan of this parallel reality is the first nation to su...
6.60 6.99 453The remote Asahigaoka is undoubtedly not a destination for everyone, being far from the bustle of city life and having just one sweet shop and bus route to its name. The kids in the village are still ...
7.80 8.18 495Asahi Kuromine, a seemingly unremarkable high school student, finds his demeanor swiftly put to the test when he sees Youko Shiragami unfolding a sizable set of wings from her back. He discovers that ...
6.50 6.86 476Shirayuki, whose name translates to "snow white," is a cheery, red-haired young woman who tirelessly works as an apothecary at her herbal business in Tanbarun. When Prince Raji, the foolish prince of ...
7.70 7.76 523"Million Doll" is a music, idol-themed anime series that aired in 2015. The series is based on the manga of the same name by Ai. The story revolves around Suuko, an introverted girl who has the abi...
7.90 4.77 486Golden Darkness, a cold-blooded assassin who can shift, comes back to delve deeper into the mysteries of her new existence as a dark Nemesis manipulates Mea, her younger sister, from the shadows. This...
7.00 7.45 417Shirayuki is a typical herbalist in the Tanbarun kingdom with one distinctive quality: her stunning red hair, which draws a lot of attention. Shirayuki was taught to always be cautious while revealing...
7.70 7.76 402Futaba Ichinose, a rookie voice actor who dreams of breaking into the top tier of professionals, scrambles around in search of auditions and performance opportunities. She attempts to develop her own ...
6.98 7.04 442