"Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen" is an anime series that combines elements of fantasy, adventure, and political intrigue. It serves as a sequel to the original "Utawarerumono" visual novel and anime...
6.40 7.26 375Giftium, a highly sought-after crystalline substance, is hidden deep within the planet of Gift. Sougo Amagi, a young boy on Gift, got his fascination with Giftium from his mother, a researcher. Sougo ...
5.20 5.84 478Jirou Hitoyoshi is charged with secretly listening in on a conversation between a senior government scientist and an industrial spy on a bright July day in the 41st year of the Shinka Era. The spy eve...
6.30 6.67 500Junior high school student Komori Shuri, 15, is too kind to refuse invitations. She has amazing strength because she is always doing favors for other people, right? Nevertheless, she is a young junior...
5.80 6.25 501The abnormal and unexplained can occasionally appear even more terrifying than usual in today's world of amazing technological advancement. But of how far civilization has come, there will always be p...
4.60 5.22 395At the Rainy Color café, there is never a dull moment. Shion, the café manager, is kept alert by the arrival of the Koga brothers from England, Noel, who is constantly curious, and Nicola, who is a ...
3.70 4.76 454In contemporary Japan, a hot springs fairy emerges after spending many years dormant. But as she was sleeping, she changed into a young girl. While attempting to reclaim her powers, she decides to wor...
5.40 5.84 480Ougi Oshino, a strange transfer student, has recently begun attending Naoetsu Private High School. She is promptly introduced to Koyomi Araragi, a senior student, by their buddy Kanbaru Suruga in the ...
8.40 8.45 327The opening song's music video is the first special. The extra episode of the second special. ...
5.62 373More than 300 years have passed since the calamitous interplanetary conflict known as the "Calamity War" in the year 323 P.D. (Post Disaster). Humans have successfully inhabited and changed the surfac...
7.90 8.04 489Eren Jaeger confronts a Titan on his first day of junior high and gets his lunch taken from him. He carries a grudge towards the Titans ever since they stole his favorite food, a cheeseburger, and he ...
7.10 7.19 569The Invertia, an extraordinary catastrophe that occurred in the preceding century, fundamentally altered the course of history. The Integrated Empire Foundation came into power as a result of a sharp ...
6.80 6.83 451