Fate/Apocrypha is an anime series set in the "Fate/stay night" universe, an expansive franchise based on a visual novel by Type-Moon. Unlike the other "Fate" series, "Fate/Apocrypha" occurs in a paral...

6.60 7.18 467

The world is at peace once more after a year since the demon gods invaded the city of Naien. Princess Liones Yelistratova, from a small nation, begins her studies at a school that is a special facilit...

5.30 6.65 476

Attending Hyakkaou Private Academy, in contrast to many other institutions, helps pupils get ready for life in the real world. The academy has its own peculiarities that set it apart from all the othe...

7.20 7.26 445

Attending Hyakkaou Private Academy, in contrast to many other institutions, helps pupils get ready for life in the real world. The academy has its own peculiarities that set it apart from all the othe...

7.20 7.26 401

The human race is facing an unparalleled crisis in the year L.C. 922. The losing demon gods took refuge in the human world of Septpia after a century-long conflict on the fabled world of Tetra-Heaven ...

5.30 6.64 444

In *Free! - Dive to the Future*, the story picks up with Rin Matsuoka welcoming his childhood friend Sousuke Yamazaki back into his life after Sousuke transfers to Samezuka Academy. Their reunion is f...

7.44 7.65 260

Worldwide Century 0096 The incident with Laplace's box, also known as the Universal Century Charter, took occurred a few months ago. The severed Axis is floating outside the Earth Sphere when the Eart...

4.86 482

The story unfolds in a season of renewal, the second spring. Tatsuya and Miyuki, fresh graduates of First Magic High School, find themselves on their spring break at their villa on the Ogasawara Islan...

7.14 7.46 164

In *Cars 3*, Lightning McQueen faces a new challenge as a new generation of high-tech racers, led by the sleek and powerful Jackson Storm, takes over the racing circuit. Feeling overshadowed and uncer...

6.70 167

Lucifer singing in the moonlight in a park was an astonishing sight D'Artagnan saw when she visited Tokyo for some fun. D'Artagnan's heart began to pound from that point forward, whether she was awake...

5.81 449

After learning that one of their own classmates, Rin Okumura, is the son of Satan, the ExWire of True Cross Academy are overwhelmed with horror and shock. They are currently more concerned about the t...

7.40 7.36 487

A juvenile automobile discovers the significance of kinship as he embarks on a quest to liberate his pater, who has been dispatched to Clunker Island to be repurposed as scrap metal. ...

2.90 2.80 116