The series follows a group of teenage 7th graders, including best friends Nick Birch and Andrew Glouberman, as they navigate their way through puberty with struggles like masturbation and sexual arous...

7.90 457

With the Blu-ray and DVD volumes are picture-and-sound dramas. ...

6.31 491

"Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai" (Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan) is a spin-off OVA series based on the "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" manga series, specifically focused on the character Rohan Kishibe, a manga artis...

7.50 7.62 480

The show centers on the manga artist Rohan Kishibe, who travels the world to get inspiration from people's daily lives in order to give his works greater reality. He accomplishes this by reading and w...

7.40 7.62 409

In the modern cultivation world, everywhere is law of the jungle, everyone feels insecure. After saving a cultivatior girl, the security guard Ma Yingxiong accidentally starts the journey of practicin...

6.47 503

"Hua Jianghu Zhi Huan Shi Men Sheng" (also known as "Painting Rivers and Lakes" or "The King of the Water Margin") is a Chinese animated series that delves into the genres of fantasy and action. Se...

6.47 528

In a prologue to the first episode, Sakura transforms all the cards and has to bid her friend Shaoran farewell because he's going back to China. Life is returning to normal when the Sakura Card Arc i...

7.90 7.77 498

Before the first episode begins, Sakura completes her card transformation. She must then part ways with her friend Shaoran, who is departing for China. ...

7.80 7.60 188

Sebastian, a young orphan living in the Alps, and Belle, a large, white Great Pyrenees, go on a number of exciting adventures together around the mountains....

7.60 286

An alien cop from the distant Reticulum star system is forced on a dangerous deep space mission. ...

3.01 569

In the distant future, humanity has been able to go beyond the Solar System thanks to the discovery of the new material orichalt (, Oriharuto). Humanity has created I-Machines (I, I mashin), enormous ...

6.20 6.54 369