A terrorist attack occurred at Nichiuri TV during the filming of the Satsuki Cup, a prestigious karuta tournament. While the building was engulfed in flames, Heiji and Kazuha were trapped inside. Dete...
6.50 6.40 135Banal events are taking place in "a specific era" on "a certain continent." All of the settlements must be relocated in order to make way for "Large-Scale Leisure Facilities." The community and its in...
5.20 486Hinako, who was raised as an orphan, is astonished to discover that she has a twin brother named Hikaru who is older than her. At Shishiku Academy, an all-boys school overrun with Japan's hardest offe...
6.60 6.44 525It has been more than 500 years since the dreadful and enigmatic "Beasts" nearly wiped off the human species. In order to remain out of the range of all but the most mobile Beasts, the remaining races...
7.10 7.68 382A little girl in a mask sings a wistful tune every day as she waits on the shore. Nino Arisugawa has been singing to the sea ever since she and two childhood friends—her first love, Momo Sakaki, and...
6.20 6.98 490Nino, a girl who enjoys singing, has already said goodbye twice. She first had relationships with Momo, her first love, and then with Yuzu, a musician. But after those two farewells, she made a pledge...
6.20 6.97 478The year is 526 according to the liturgical calendar. Although magic is still a mystery, witches and their wizardry are well-known across the country. A mercenary who is half-man, half-beast who is de...
6.80 7.08 491Sagiri and Masamune Izumi adopted each other a year ago. However, the tragic deaths of their parents split their new family apart, making Sagiri a recluse and cutting her off from society and her brot...
5.50 6.38 415Numerous universes have been created by humans, each one reflecting the original creativity of its architect. High school student Souta Mizushino hopes to become one of these creators by penning and i...
7.00 7.55 443Ye Xiu, a well-known innovator and elite professional player in the online multiplayer game Glory, has earned the moniker "Battle God" for his abilities and long-term contributions to the title. But a...
7.50 7.90 518Ye Xiu, a well-known innovator and elite professional player in the online multiplayer game Glory, has earned the moniker "Battle God" for his abilities and long-term contributions to the title. But a...
7.50 7.90 473