The film's story begins when Arata inadvertently touches "Hermes Apocrypha," Lilith's Grimoire. Suddenly, he is enveloped by a bright white light, and a girl appears before him. She calls herself Lili...

7.14 7.24 209

"Digimon Adventure tri. 4: Soushitsu," also known as "Digimon Adventure tri. Loss," is the fourth installment in the "Digimon Adventure tri." movie series. The series serves as a sequel to the origina...

7.00 7.29 494

When a spaceship crashes to Earth and reveals a group of quirky little space aliens on the run for their lives, the "GadgetGang" kids--Gus, Phoebe, Francesco, Mitsue, Mary Ann, Banana, and Tank--soon ...

4.50 270

When a spaceship crashes to Earth and reveals a group of quirky little space aliens on the run for their lives, the "GadgetGang" kids--Gus, Phoebe, Francesco, Mitsue, Mary Ann, Banana, and Tank--soon ...

4.02 227

Set as a prequel to the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs films, the series follows Flint Lockwood and Sam Sparks during their high school years as best friends. Flint is determined to become a succes...

3.30 363

In 2026, four years after the notorious Sword Art Online incident, a groundbreaking technology called the Augma has been introduced. This device uses an Augmented Reality system, allowing players to e...

7.28 7.56 282

Two nearby nations are at war, but one side has an advantage: an old dragon that has signed an agreement to defend the country. Although these powerful beasts are capable of leveling vast battlefields...

6.90 7.38 469

Ichika Usami, a happy adolescent, gets her love of sweets from her mother's baking. She tries her hand at baking a cake herself to celebrate her mother's return from abroad. A dog-like fairy named Pek...

8.00 7.06 460

Set in a time when Sarajevo was obliterated by a homemade nuclear device, the story reflects a world inundated with genocide. An American man by the name of John Paul seems to be responsible for all o...

6.04 327

Touno Kouhei, Hamada Saori, and Ginji, three freelancers who are not happy with their current professions, decide to leave and follow their passions for music, photography, and painting, respectively....

5.60 423

When Kasumi Toyama was a young girl, she enjoyed the starry night sky while camping and heard the beat of the "Star Beat." She has never stopped trying to recapture that exciting thrill since that gli...

6.60 6.97 610