In an era long past, a malevolent Demon Lord wreaked havoc across the world. This tyranny persisted until a courageous Hero emerged, confronting and ultimately vanquishing the Demon Lord. In the after...

7.50 6.93 972

Grumpy insomniac Ganta Nakami stumbles across the moderately rebellious yet easygoing Isaki Magari in the Astronomy Club's abandoned observatory. Magari is jolted awake and tries to escape from the sc...


The plot revolves around Tosuke Rokudo, who is frequently bullied at school. He receives a package from his grandfather one day, and inside is a scroll that grants him an unknown power. Tosuke believe...

6.50 6.18 564

"Perception Art" has been around for about ten years in the art world. It has now permeated the entire globe and is an active part of people's lives. Kazuya Yamanashi, the son of famous "artists" and ...

5.40 5.70 361

The rumored "Grim Reaper" possessing the ability to curse others by touch alone, Akane Nishimura, is just a regular elementary school girl with a gloomy appearance. Due to constant bullying from her c...

7.10 7.40 765

In a world dominated by magic, the young and powerless Mash Burnedead is seen as a threat to the gene pool and must be eliminated. Living in hiding within the forest, he dedicates his days to training...

7.20 8.30 570

In a world where carnivores and herbivores live in a fragile balance, Cherryton Academy becomes the epicenter of tension after the shocking murder of Tem, an alpaca in the theater club. Legoshi, a gre...

7.70 657

Akiteru knows all too well that the reality of dating is far from ideal. Every interaction he has with women ends in derision, leaving him without a single date. His main focus is securing a job at hi...


An ordinary man, coerced into playing a matriarchy-themed dating simulator, must navigate the oppressive and bewildering game world until he achieves victory. After days of grinding, he finally succee...

7.20 387

At her mother's urging, Suletta Mercury leaves her home planet to attend the Asticassia School of Technology. The school uses student duels to settle disputes, with the victor earning Miorine Rembran ...

7.70 8.08 517

After his many confessions, Naoya Mukai is overjoyed when his childhood friend Saki Saki finally accepts him. He consciously avoids giving her too much attention, believing this will help sustain thei...

6.60 611

Despite the thrilling conclusion of the prefectural tournament, the Kazemai High School Kyudo Club has little time to celebrate. With the national competition looming, the club is eager to prove that ...

7.40 7.92 403