Wind: A Breath of Heart is an anime series based on a visual novel of the same name. It follows the story of a young high school student named Makoto Okano, who returns to his hometown of Kazune after...

5.96 328

The special episodes of the anime with the same name. Wind: A Breath of Heart is an anime series based on a visual novel of the same name. It follows the story of a young high school student named ...

6.14 356

Ayaka Kagari, the "Princess" of Tougetsu High School, was nothing more than an unattainable idol for Honoka Takamiya, despite the fact that they rode the same bus to school every day and were seated n...

6.70 7.01 476

A bunch of aliens with plans to conquer Earth invade Tokyo one day. Momoko, who desires to become an idol, participates in the subsequent altercation in an unexpected way. King of the alien empire War...

4.90 3.47 477

Mikado City is besieged by mysterious entities known as "Neighbors," evil monsters resistant to conventional weapons, when a gate to another realm unexpectedly opens on Earth. A group called the Borde...

7.50 7.98 413

Rei Oohashi, a regular office worker, finds herself suddenly inhabiting the body of the main character from her beloved otome game, Revolution. Much to her joy, the first individual she encounters is ...

8.10 7.56 1363

At the Dengeki Bunko Winter Festival event, numerous TV anime reveals took place, including one that's adapted from the light novel series called "Reign of the Seven Spellblades," authored by Bokuto U...

7.00 6.98 716

Lyrical Lily, a DJ group from Arisugawa Academy, is renowned for using music to make people happy. As a result of their efforts, Operation Beckoning Cat, the town regeneration project, has asked the l...


Tsubasa Natsukawa has just moved from Tokyo to Hokkaido, in the middle of winter. Not quite appreciating how far apart towns are in the country, he gets off the taxi at the next town over from his des...

7.40 7.42 1230

In the realm of teenage hearts, we find Wataru Sajou, a young man whose affections orbit around his radiant classmate, Aika Natsukawa. Fuelled by the flames of love, he approaches her with unwavering ...

6.60 6.80 695

Aya transferred into Kuromi Girls Academy a month ago with the goal of changing herself into a proper lady. After meeting the breathtaking Shirayuri, Aya is blown away by her elegance and posterity. I...