Jin Kaito, a high school student who was raised in Tokyo, relocates to Nagoya where he meets Yatogame Monaka, a fellow student who proudly displays her Nagoya dialect. Yatogame won't reveal anything t...

5.70 6.31 541

Yumehara Nozomi, an ordinary student, meets Coco and Nuts, two animals from the Palmier Kingdom, after discovering a mysterious book called the Dream Collet at the library. They beg Nozomi to rebuild ...

7.80 7.18 397

The story of Nozomi Yumehara and her companions from Yes! Precure 5 is once again followed in this season, which is a direct continuation of the previous one. The mysterious woman Flora, who also want...

7.18 407

Princess Feena Fam Earthlight, who hails from the Kingdom of Sphere on the Earth's moon, is the focus of Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na. In order to learn more about Earth and better prepare herself for he...

6.80 7.10 383

A tale about the reunion of Yuzuki, Matsuri, Nono, and Makoto, four childhood friends, on the empty grounds of their former school, Mochitsuki Academy. They sealed a vow inside a time capsule that was...

5.20 6.31 343

It makes perfect sense that Ueno is an accomplished inventor given that she is the leader of the scientific club at her middle school. Nothing seems to be beyond Ueno's power with gadgets that can tur...

5.90 6.58 416

Inaba Yuushi moved in with his relatives when his parents passed away during his first year of middle school. He knew they loved him, but he also knew he was a burden. He eagerly made plans to transfe...

7.00 7.18 391

The fact that Yuu Mononobe, the only male student it ever accepted, made Midgar, an all-girls academy, famous. Midgar, however, is notable for much more than that because it is a school only for a gro...

5.60 6.19 426

An original television series called Urawa no Usagi-chan follows the daily activities of eight junior high school students in the Urawa district of Saitama Prefecture. Watch the personalities of Usagi...

5.00 5.37 417

Hirono Kenta is your typical junior high geek kid. Tokusatsu and anime have always been his childhood passions. In reality, he considers himself to be a "Hero of Justice" and is frequently spotted mov...

7.10 6.75 309

Ichigo Amano, a clumsy girl who has a profound passion for eating cakes, has never been good at anything. Ichigo's extraordinary tasting abilities—unbeknownst to her—are revealed following a meeti...

7.80 7.84 391