After the interschool musical competition from the first game and anime series, the narrative continues. Young school board director Akihiko Kira, brusque youngster Et, and intriguing transfer student...

7.00 7.12 516

Alto Goldfilled, a conscientious pupil at the Ortigia Academy of Magic, hopes to one day become a potent sorcerer. But despite his stellar academic performance and dedication to his studies, he fails ...

6.90 7.01 444

We begin in the lovely Dahlia Academy, where two nations that are equal in dignity—the "Black Doggies" of the Eastern Nation of Touwa and the "White Cats" of the Principality of West—come together...

7.20 7.45 516

Keita Suminoe's step-sisters, twins Ako and Riko, entered his life after his mother passed away and his father swiftly remarried. However, following their fatal first encounter, the girls experienced ...

6.10 6.63 492

Natsuki cheerfully answers "the go-home club" when a friend asks what high school club she plans to join, indicating that she won't be participating in any of them. She soon learns, though, that her h...

6.90 6.78 498

Tsubasa Kurata, an otaku from contemporary Japan who perished in a car accident, is reincarnated in the Fremmevilla Kingdom, a medieval setting where strong mechs known as Silhouette Knights are emplo...

7.20 7.09 527

Twins Both Megumu and Mitsuru Kobayashi go to separate schools, one for boys and one for girls. They decide to switch places one day since they get tired of being surrounded by people of the same gend...

5.50 6.18 487

Aoki Daisuke, a third-grade teacher, didn't anticipate that his first class would prove to be one of his toughest challenges. After having a bad first impression on the entire class, Rin Kokonoe, one ...

6.80 6.73 511

William Twining, age 17, is proud of both his ancestry and his commitment to contemporary science. The haughty noble is faced with the fact that he can no longer afford his tuition or the lifestyle he...

6.50 7.02 568

This romantic comedy, which is based on Hiromitsu Takeda's manga series, centers on Takeru Ohyama, a typical perverse adolescent. His new school suddenly become co-ed and doesn't require entrance exam...

5.80 6.33 474

Yuuki Oojima participates in the Food Research Club at his high school, where their major activity is to consume snacks that they have purchased with money provided by the institution. However, as the...

6.50 7.01 530

The "Yukari Law" is a genetic compatibility-based system for matching up youngsters who have become 16 years old in a future in which Japan tries to counteract its low birth rate. It is a widely ackno...

6.10 6.51 447