Himegoto follows Shimoshina High School second-year student Hime Arikawa. Hime is saved by the three females of his school's student council after he is pursued by debt collectors after being forced t...

5.00 5.90 467

High school student Yki Hase observes that his lovely classmate Kaori Fujimiya appears to have no acquaintances and is frequently alone herself. Upon contacting Kaori and getting to know her more, she...

7.00 7.54 533

Shinichir, a male student who works as a cleaner to pay his rent, is the main character of the novel. He discovers that Sakuya Shimizu, the boss of the Shimizu clan that hunts these creatures, is the ...

5.80 5.99 455

High school student Umaru Doma resides with her older brother Taihei. Umaru presents as the model student at school, earning top marks and possessing a variety of skills. To Taihei's dismay, she chang...

7.00 7.12 517

The human race is facing an unparalleled crisis in the year L.C. 922. The losing demon gods took refuge in the human world of Septpia after a century-long conflict on the fabled world of Tetra-Heaven ...

5.30 6.64 479

Hanamiya Girls' High School freshman Konomi Kasahara excels at puzzles and is a first-year student. She locates the school's climbing wall while looking for a club to join. Her life is altered by this...

6.00 6.47 591

Bocchi Hitori is a shy girl who finds it hard to talk to other people. Her friend Kai Yawara, who will be attending a different school, informs Bocchi before the start of middle school that they are b...

7.10 7.48 567

Masahiro Setagawa no longer believes in heroes since he thinks they don't actually exist, especially given how much trouble he keeps getting into. He was forced to join a gang, and now he is frequentl...

7.40 7.33 538

Noboru Takizawa enrolls in a school where fights are the only means of resolving conflicts. He swiftly comes into conflict with Sabur Ibuki, the school bully, who squares off against "God's Hall Monit...

6.10 6.61 535

The idea of Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura getting along would seem to be the furthest thing from most people's minds. Hori, after all, is the picture of beauty and intelligence, whereas Miyamura seem...

7.70 7.38 557

Izumi Miyamura, a glum and seemingly nerdy lad with spectacles, is Kyoko Hori's classmate. Kyoko Hori is a bright and well-liked high school student. Hori is a domestic goddess who dresses casually an...

8.10 8.21 459