"Hoshiai no Sora" (English: "Stars Align") is a sports drama anime that focuses on the members of a struggling high school soft tennis club. The story follows Maki Katsuragi, a transfer student wit...

7.40 7.59 537

Kazuma Hoshino is getting ready to enter a new phase of his adolescence. His brother Ayumu's parents decided it would be best for the family to relocate from the city to a more rural setting due to Ay...

6.20 6.71 509

A quiet high school student named Miki Takekasa, who likes to keep to herself. She meets Aya Takayashiki, a recent transfer student, after school one day, and she persuades her to embark on an adventu...

6.60 6.70 559

First year student Hina Tsurugi prefers to do indoor activities such as crafting. Having recently moved to a seaside town, she runs into an older schoolmate, Kuroiwa, who invites her to join the "Teib...

7.20 7.41 525

Shuichi Nitori is a fifth-grader who transfers to a new school at the beginning of Wandering Son. Another student, the tall, boyish Yoshino Takatsuki, rapidly wins her friendship. Yoshino quickly find...

7.60 7.70 504

The only thing that can stop the strange Savage life forms that are assaulting Earth are "Hundreds," a type of weapon that gets its name from its capacity to transform into a variety of shapes. People...

6.30 6.32 427

Animals with the innate capacity to perform magic, known as Jewelpets, coexisted peacefully in Jewel Land with Magicians studying at the Magic Academy to master the art of using their Jewel Eyes. Ruby...

8.80 7.42 591

Kamome Academy is well-known for its Seven Wonders and paranormal activity rumors. The Seventh and most well-known Wonder, "Hanako-san of the Toilet," is the ghost of a young woman who purportedly hau...

7.50 7.85 555

A seemingly typical day at Dmori Elementary is disturbed by some strange occurrence, which almost always targets one of Nb's own kids. Nb feels compelled to take action and, more often than not, uses ...

6.80 7.40 573

"Jinsei: Life Consulting" is a comedic slice-of-life anime series based on the light novel series "Jinsei" written by Ougyo Kawagishi. The story revolves around Yuki Akamatsu, a boy who joins his s...

5.80 6.47 564

Asahi Kuromine, a seemingly unremarkable high school student, finds his demeanor swiftly put to the test when he sees Youko Shiragami unfolding a sizable set of wings from her back. He discovers that ...

6.50 6.86 510

When you're this adorable, who needs dialogue? A "silent manga" stars the lovely (but unfortunate) Momoko, the cool, collected Shibumi, and the refreshingly innocent Mayumi. No speeches or conversatio...

5.30 5.80 534