An adaptation of the visual-novel by Key, Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito combines the story of the original work with an expansion that extends the narrative with content from the Hoshi no Hito light-nove...

7.65 7.82 328

Seirin High School's basketball team is seeking new members. The team's star players are Kagami, a talented American, and Kuroko, a former member of the "Generation of Miracles." Seirin faces a maj...

7.43 7.73 189

The reclusive high school student Mo Fan has discovered himself in a world that is both similar to and far different from his own ordinary reality; it is a realm where magic has taken the place of the...

7.50 7.21 577

Elizabeth Liones, Hawk, and the Seven Deadly Sins have expelled the Holy Knights from the Kingdom of Leones. It's finally their turn to enjoy the quiet life they battled for. The Sins are joined by th...

7.50 7.00 472

Mitsuha Miyamizu, a high school girl, yearns to live the life of a boy in the bustling city of Tokyo—a dream that stands in stark contrast to her present life in the countryside. Meanwhile in the ci...

8.40 8.84 254

There are certain to be a few bad apples in the group in a society where half-human, half-animal chimeras coexist with regular people and work side by side. Unfortunately, criminals who are only parti...

7.14 382

Nelly & Nora is an animated children's series that follows the adventures of two young sisters, Nelly and Nora, who live in a small coastal village. The series is set in a peaceful and beautiful envir...

7.80 17

The strange little robots known as the StoryBots reside beneath our screens. The intrepid five members of Team 341B, Beep, Bing, Bang, Boop, and Bo, set out on an expedition to the real world in each ...

8.50 425

The new anime series will be a "locked room" suspense comedy that is set 100 years in the future, in contrast to the main television anime series, which is primarily set in contemporary Japan. When Sh...

7.30 6.65 517

Five years after a serious terrorist assault at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, the drama is set in Neo Tokyo in 2025. Specially gifted students are coerced into serving in a United Nations-created elite ...

5.70 6.26 463

A young boy named Rusty Rivets uses his knowledge of engineering to repurpose machine parts and create gadgets. He lives in the city[citation needed] of Sparkton Hills along with his friend Ruby Ramir...

7.50 7.00 100

The Beat Bugs television series is aimed at kids between the ages of 5 and 7, and it is set in a suburban backyard that five young insect pals frequently explore. The backyard is referred to as "Villa...

7.70 306