The secretary of the CEO of a talent agency, Tokine Amino, is a young woman who is overworked. She unexpectedly finds herself in a weird other universe controlled by a floating pig-like monster one da...
4.81 417"Anime de Training! Xx" also known as "Ani Tore! XX" is a short anime series that serves as a sequel to "Anime de Training! Ex" (or "Ani Tore! EX"). It aired in Japan from October 2016 to December 201...
4.60 5.58 557China's Keishuu. According to the history books, this region was a scene of constant conflict during the Three Kingdoms period. Sonshin, a young high school student who despises the past of his commu...
5.76 484Nothing would make Matoi Sumeragi happier than to live a typical life away from the spotlight. She is content to work sporadically at Yuma Kusanagi's family shrine in addition to attending school. But...
6.70 6.72 526In the world of Japanese ping pong, a mighty king has fallen. An underdog team suddenly breaks the indomitable Oudou Academy's nine year winning streak, creating a power vacuum as players everywhere a...
6.60 7.06 487Chidori continues to clear the path for her lord, Nobunaga Oda, in his invasion of the Land of the Rising Sun as a lethal, competent ninja on duty and a cute, innocent girl off duty. Even though No...
7.60 7.08 511"Gakuen Handsome" is a comedy anime series that parodies the Boys' Love (BL) and otome genres. The series originally started as a BL game before being adapted into an anime. The story is set in Bar...
6.71 564Qiao An Hao and Lu Jin Nian did not choose to get married. Qiao An Hao established three rules for their marriage on the first night of their nuptials. First of all, please refrain from touching me. T...
7.80 6.04 482In the near future, when the series is set, live idol music performances in virtual reality are widespread. Many would-be idols choose to enroll in illustrious idol training institutions in an effort ...
5.35 553