Agetarou Katsumata, whose family operates a tiny tonkatsu store in Shibuya, aspires to be a professional DJ by night and a tonkatsu chef by day. Agetarou delivers an order to a staff member at a ni...
7.50 7.13 454The narrative centers on Akeno Misaki, a young woman who enrolls in Yokosuka Girls' Marine High School in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, in an effort to join the prestigious Blue Mermaids. Akeno and her students...
7.20 7.30 519Tanaka, a high school student, considers being listless to be a way of life. Tanaka prays that every day would be as boring as the last, trying to maintain his lazy lifestyle by avoiding events that c...
7.50 7.85 457The protagonist of the tale is the hugely popular Sakamoto, a brilliant young guy who is adored by all of the other students and teachers at his high school (except for Kakuta) for his coolness. Sakam...
7.20 7.56 495The world is in the midst of the industrial revolution when horrific creatures emerge from a mysterious virus, ripping through the flesh of humans to sate their never-ending appetite. The only way to ...
7.20 7.26 518Chihiro Komiya, an orphaned fourth-grader in elementary school, is left without any close family members or even a home to live after the untimely death of his mother. All of this changes when Chihiro...
7.10 7.29 492When terrifying creatures emerge from a mystery virus during the industrial revolution, they rip through human flesh to satisfy their insatiable appetites. These "Kabane" creatures can only be elimina...
7.20 7.26 502Chihiro Komiya, an elementary school student, has no family or home after his mother's unexpected death. But all of that changes when he meets Madoka Takatori, a wealthy and opulent stranger who turns...
7.13 7.29 498The last thing Subaru Natsuki anticipates when he exits the convenience store is to be uprooted from his normal life and thrust into a fantastical realm. The confused teen's situation is not looking g...
6.64 523These adjectives all characterize the incredibly gorgeous and blatantly flawless Sakamoto: sophisticated, suave, wonderful. Even though it is only his first day of high school, his charisma, brillianc...
7.10 7.56 470Chibi versions of the characters from Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge appear in a number of shorts. ...
7.60 7.28 513